How do you say Thank You?

Greetings to you all, I hope this day brings you peace on the inside.

I have another question - how do you say Thank You to your Deities? I ask because I’m pretty sure another spell has worked, and literally saying Thank You DP doesn’t seem to cut it. So, seeing as all of you wonderful people have your own beautiful way of doing things, I was hoping you’d share your thoughts?

Do you have a thank you spell, chant or ritual? Do you use crystals or other tools? Do you just present offerings (and I’m also curious to know what people give as offerings, but I’m pretty sure that’s another thread), or do you do something daily which incorporates thanks in a general way?

My bad, that’s more than one question lol… but if you don’t ask the right question, you’ll never get the right answer… even if its not the answer you were looking for.

Aaand that’s my cue to top up the hot and sweet nectar from the heavens… thanks for reading, and I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

x Blessed Be x


Hi @Nikki-Phoenix!

I may have mentioned this elsewhere, but I currently work with the Universe. I like to say thank you by doing a small gratitude meditation before bed. For a while I was also doing a quick “thank you” morning ritual inspired by a Zen practice, but mornings here are a big cup of oof and the practice, unfortunately, didn’t stick.

Taking a few moments before bed to press my palms together and say thank you for the day and for the blessings I have feels good and seems to be well received. When I have time, I like to sit with a candle while I do it, but more often than not these days it’s just a silent moment in the dark before I go to sleep.

Giving offerings is a popular way to show your thanks! There are a few places out there where folks have shared their thoughts and routines for offering giving, here are a few if you’re interested:

I hope you can find some methods of expressing thanks that will work well for you! Good luck and blessed be :heart:


I like the sound of that, something sincere and intimate and short, straight to the point… thank you, I’ll add it to my list, then browse those links!

x Blessed Be x


Happily answer your questions lovely, it’s wonderful your getting answers. I work with the Norse gods and they’re a very down to earth bunch, they like to share my stuff. :laughing:

So it’s mainly Loki I work with and I’ll share, whatever I’m having, alcohol , chocolate, my dinner.
Thor loves beer so I’ll buy him one.
Odin likes me to learn something and apply it (the apply it bit is a working progress :rofl:) but with Odin, I’ll ask and it nearly always is go and read that book that’s sat on my shelf for the past year! :flushed:

I think really, your deity will let you know what they like, but I find nothing elaborate is needed - just loyalty, friendship and sharing your life with them is what my lot love the most. :green_heart:

Skoll :beers:


Every once in a while I’ll do this spell. I’ll use dried rose petals because, we’ll, they’re going to get dried out anyway and I can’t afford to go to a florist. LOL!

Hope that gives you an idea!


For me, it depends on the spell or the ask or the gift I was given. For most things, I feel comfortable with thanking my diety in prayer. I do offer crystals, flowers and herbs in the petitioning prayer.

The land spirits I work with, I tend to add a physical gift - something that nourishes them. Water for my elm-familiar spirit. Fertilizer for my lemon balm.


For a long time, I would ask my deity friends to join me on a trek to a free concert or some other form of entertainment. They need a break once in a while, too. As time went on, it seemed like no matter the intent, they were no longer appreciated. Such events no longer happen in my area.

Before that, I would sing my gratitude. My voice is no longer pleasant.

It seems like everything I have to offer is unacceptable anymore. I refuse to offer something chintzy when I have been given something good, but I cannot offer something I don’t have. If nothing is good enough and I have nothing left, all I can give is my heart, which I lift above me in meditation and allow to float into the Universe.

I do not offer food or drink because my area is well known for bugs and vermin.

With my dad, I treasure things he owned and used as gratitude for his attention. When I have a picture of the ship upon which he served on display, I hang a fabric lei on one corner and a small flag from his gravesite on another. Whenever I use his pocket knife for a craft, I carefully sharpen the blade and chat with him a bit to tell him my intentions about the craft I’d like to do and asking him to spend some time with me, perhaps as a vacation from other responsibilities he may have wherever he is.


Thank you @tracyS @georgia @Artemisia @BryWisteria & @Amethyst for sharing with me and everyone else!

I must confess, I love all of your suggestions, so I’m adding them all to my list; I’ll end up with a variety of ways to thank the heavens for different things, so thank you all again!

x Blessed Be x


I would come up with a mixture or something. Just like getting something from your children, I bet the Gods like it if you do your own original thing, even if it looks like a misshapen ashtray! LOL!

Good luck!


My pleasure, Nikki! It sounds like you’ve got a collection of new gratitude methods to explore :blush: Good luck and I hope you can find/adapt some methods that will work great for you :heart:

Blessed be!