How to block people's energies?

Hi there lakisha :blush: I hope you don’t mind but I moved your comment to its own thread so everyone gets a chance to see and reply.

We have many people here in the forum that are empaths. If anyone reading here doesn’t know what an empath is there’s a great post (if I do say so myself :sweat_smile:) about empaths and characteristic here.

Are you an empath? ✨

Shielding yourself and your energy is one of the best ways to protect yourself from the energies of others. There are many different resources we have here on Spells8 to help you out!

:star2: @SilverBear has a wonderful shielding spray recipe → Empath Shielding Anyone?

:star2: Have a worry stone on hand → Worry Stone Meanings :sparkles:

:star2: Beginner’s Guide to Energy Work → Witch Exercises for Beginners: Energy Work from The Spiral Dance

:star2: Get a Protective Veil → A Protective Veil shield Magick in the Arts

There are some other really great resources for shielding techniques and practices for empaths!

:star2: Reality Manifestations has some wonderful tips and techniques for shielding and empath energy work → 5 Grounding And Shielding Techniques For Empaths And Sensitive Energies | Reality Manifestation

Foundational Shielding and Protection

from Mat Auryn’s book Psychic Witch

Now that we know how to cleanse our energy, this is the perfect time to learn how to shield ourselves. With shielding you want to feel completely secure and confident. We will explore a foundational practice of shielding and different ways to alter that shield to be appropriate for what you’re doing. Sometimes you’ll want a shield that completely stops the flow of any energy coming in and out, but this can also completely mute psychic perception. At other times you’ll just want to filter out energy that is aggressive or negative, and this is usually my go-to when it comes to shielding. Figuring out which type of shield you need takes discernment, so trust your intuition. This foundational shielding should
be a daily shielding practice; how you enhance it is up to your circumstances.

Tune in. Envision a brilliant white light a few feet above you. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit above me.”

See it begin to descend as a column of light around your body, down to a few feet below you. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit below me.”

The light comes up from below you and rises a few feet in front of you at chest level. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit before me.”

See the light meet the point above your head where it started, where it then descends a few feet behind you at chest level. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit behind me.”

The light moves counterclockwise until it is a few feet on your right. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit on my right side.”

The light continues to move counterclockwise until it is a few feet on your left. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit on my left side.”

It continues its counterclockwise movement until it reaches the point behind you again.

See all six points glow around you. The light begins to shine so brightly it forms a bubble around you. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit around me.”

Visualize the glowing filling your body as if you were an empty vessel. Verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit within me.”

Take a few moments to feel this light above, below, before, behind, on your right, on your left, outside, and within you. Then verbally or mentally affirm:

“Spirit protects me. Spirit blesses me. Spirit heals me. Spirit guides me.
I am, I always have been, and I always will be One with Spirit.”