I connected with a deity and I'm over the moon!

Hi there!
I’d been seeing a few posts regarding deities and as a baby witch, immediately wondered if I had one. But being so new, I thought “probably not.” Later, I was scrolling on TikTok and an old video popped up. With a sigh, I went ahead and followed the video. (I know, I know, silly. lol)

Here’s the spread:

I personally do not feel that the type of deck I have had any influence (although it is Norse/Runic themed/based) but the extra information with the runes helped with identification (as a side note, this deck immediately called to me when I was choosing. At first I ignored it, thinking “It’s just excitement”, but I went back to it so many times before finally grabbing it.)

Here’s everything I wrote down.

Being very new, I used chatGPT like some had also mentioned here to help, and it helped narrow it down to seven; Oya, Hecate, Sehmet, The Morrigan, Brigid, Freyja, and Skadi. And although the other six made sense, there was only one that called to me continuously, even after my initial “nah, it can’t be her.”

But the more I research I did, the more things made sense:
-I’ve always (and I do mean always) been drawn to cats and cats to me (especially ones that never go to anyone else).
-I’ve always been drawn to divination, runes, and to Norse culture.
-I love music, particularly singing (and I’m pretty good at it lol)
-I’ve always been passionate about anything I do.
-I’ve always seen rabbits, even when others have not.
-I always get the faint scent of flowers around me, even when there are none.
-I was born on a Friday.
-13 has always been my favorite number.
-My late MIL always called me a “Warrior Princess” for everything I went through and overcame.
-And I saw a random pig the day before. (I know it’s not a boar, but semantics lol)

My deity is Freyja and I am so happy to have connected!

I even double checked, asking for her card in the deck (The Chariot) as a yes, and it was the second one I pulled!

I feel truly honored to be connected with Freyja. Are there any others here who are as well? And do you have any tips for me?

Thank you if you read all of this. I tend to get so excited when learning new things!


Welcome to the Norse family woohoo :partying_face: everything Norse you’ll find here

Norse Deities Master Post

And runes we have

Runes :algiz: Master Post

For visions from deities using runes you can try

Rune Portals

And there’s more. Lots of ways to use runes:

Enjoy. :green_heart:


Thank you so much! I’m so excited! :heart:
And thank you for all the info, too! :smile: I’m excited to read more and have been looking into a rune set to get!


Skal :beers:


Tracy has kindly shared some great resources for you, so I’m just jumping in to say congrats on connecting with your deity! May Freyja watch over you and help you on your path. Blessed be! :heart:


Thank you @BryWisteria ! and Thank you for adding the tag lol I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out!


Hi @little.elf.queen,

I just wanted to say congratulations!!! I know exactly how exciting the first connection is, we all do, so please don’t apologise for that!

You’ve had great advice, if you don’t mind I’d like to add to that… I think the best thing about the craft is doing what works for you. I tend to follow 2 basic steps when it comes to my Craft - 1. Do as much research as I can, then 2. Decide what will work for me in my Craft, taking into consideration my relationship with the Deity and the current situation. For example, a Deity may appreciate nature and growing things, but you can’t get outside as much as you want; you can grow something indoors, whether it’s a flower or a herb for your cooking. You may wish to use the virtual altar, here’s a link because it’s awesome Virtual Altar | Spells8

I’m looking forward to hearing how your relationship with Freyja develops in the future!

x Blessed Be x


@Nikki-Phoenix Thank you so much for the great advice!


@little.elf.queen No worries! It’s a pleasure :blush: :heart:

Blessed be!