So, I sat down tonight and decided to see how many crystals I had all told. They had been out charging in the moon and I brought them in, so counting begins…
I have 27 total. Quite an interesting mixture but definately not gonna stop lol. I got a lovely large pink mesh drawstring bag in my order today, so I repurposed it to hold my cystals…
There’s a little jar full of the first crystals I ever collected when I was a little kid, but it’s not shown here. Pretty sure it’s among the things I’ve already packed away.
I won’t get moldvite cuz prices are insane. Little piece goes for like $80/$90. And…. I hate to say it… I don’t find it a pretty crystal —hides under a rock—
I have a rather large crystal collection. I do catalog my crystals but have gotten a bit behind. I discovered I had lots of crystal jewelry and some were my grandmother’s! I also enjoy collecting “rocks” from my travels!
I have quite the collection that continues to grow… I have them a bit of everywhere & have them in mesh bags with information cards. From chips, tumbles, raw, sculptures, to jewelry… I’m not entirely sure I could fit them in even a few pictures
I’ll have to do sone cleaning when I’m feeling better & see what I can fit in from 1 of my altars