Glad to hear you and Bella are doing well! I hope everything is going well in your gardens too Bella looks so happy in the pictures! And it looks like someone is a big My Hero Academia fan- a good anime!
Hahaha it’s a good series, and very popular since the anime was released! I think there’s a new season coming out soon too
That’s awesome! I think it’s wonderful that you share a passion for anime! Do you already have an idea how the two of you will design the room? I think this is a super cool idea
My son is the artist so he will draw the characters on the walls and then paint them in. They say autistic people have a special skill, he has many. Art, math, puzzles and I don’t mean the puzzle you and I get stuck on. The puzzles that were designed by psychologist and only few can figure them out. Besides the walls, nothing is set it stone.
@BryWisteria, ty yes i am doing ok just busy busy busy. I have a very large yard and too much stuff lol. Summer takes its sweet time to get here but fall and winter tend to charge in like a bull. Still have lots to do, but I will be back soon and will be able to resume my practice and learning.
My youngest dog is also keeping me very busy. It is much cooler out now so his energy level is impossible to keep up with. His prey drive is kicking in more and more so he chases everything that moves out side and I have to try to keep him under control. not an easy task as hunting wild boar is what they were bred for.
I must say I do miss you all and can’t wait for life to slow down again.
It does sound very busy, @Katt ! But I’m glad to hear you and your dogs are doing well and excited about the changing seasons! I hope your youngest furry friend starts to calm down soon and your life becomes more peaceful as we move into winter time. Do you think you’ll plan something for Mabon this week?
@BryWisteria still several years until he starts to calms down lol. I need to get back into my practice at some point, just very hard when you are restricted and doing it in secrecy. I will try to get something done this week for Mabon.
I know it can be quite a challenge to practice when those close to you aren’t supportive of your craft. Were you able to find more ways to practice in your own space and time? I hope you can manage to do something nice for Mabon- wishing you a very happy equinox!
Nope still pretty limited in what I can do so it frustrates me to no end. I so want to set up an alter that I can see at all times and have stuff displayed but that is just not reality for me right now I hesitate to make one in a box and put it under my bed.
@Katt You shouldn’t feel any less of a witch just because you can’t practice in the open. Witches have been practicing in secret for hundreds of years!
Besides, there isn’t any one “true way” to practice. Most of the time your Craft has to adapt to your lifestyle.
Research sigil Magic. For example, draw sigils in hidden places such as notebooks, your phone case, wallet, purse, skin, cosmetics, clothing, etc. If anyone asks what you’re doing, it’s just “arts and crafts”.
Your altar can be very minimalistic and made of everyday things. It’s “just decoration”. But you’ll know the intent behind each item!
Light tealight or birthday candles in your free/private time and meditate. Practice visualization and energy work, as those are the best witchy things to do without any tools.
TY @Francisco. I started to make a hideaway alter today, I posted it in “alters love to see yours”
Those are great ideas you listed there besides the arts and crafts, my BF knows full well I don’t do that…it had crossed my mind as well to say that. I was thinking of having him tattoo god or goddess symbol on me somewhere hidden, he would not have a clue what it is…lol