Introducing myself from australia

Hi My name is Gabriel, known as Nature, and I have recently come out of the closet as a Wiccan after about 50 years. Told people I was an atheist to cover different beliefs. Always practiced, for one, my bare-breasted rain dance is successful and fun, Exciting to be with like minded people.


Hello and welcome @gabrielle I’m Amanda from Oklahoma We’re so excited you have joined us


Hi Gabriel!
Merry meet!
I am Celine, I am an eclectic witch from Portland Oregon. I work with Hades, Heckate, Baba yaga, Bridgit,Medicine Buddha, Tara in all incarnates, Avalokitesvara, Ganesha, Shiva and Kali Maha.


Hello and welcome I’m Tracy from England Loki is my patron deity I practice Nordic Witchcraft Runes and Chaos. Make yourself at home Lovely :green_heart:


Welcome @gabrielle ! It’s great to have you with us! I’m a chaos voodoo witch from Minnesota USA. I’ve been practicing many different aspects of the craft for 35+ years.

This is an amazing group. If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. There is always someone who can point you in the right direction.

Look forward to getting to know you better!

Blessings :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Nice to meet you, :wave: @gabrielle, I noticed you said you were known as Nature. If you would like to change your username, you can within the first two weeks. If it’s been over that, then you can reach out, and we will get it changed for you. :hugs: Oh! I’m Susurrus, one of the moderators here at Spells8.

Have you come across any of the courses? There is a lot of information there. I saw that you have been practicing for a while, but there’s quite a bit in there to go through, too :blush:

Everyone here is very friendly and enjoys helping each other. If you would like, we have the Merry Meet Monday and Group Ritual for tea and after-chats, too.

This week, our :coin: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Metal Magick is available for you to peek at!

I look forward to seeing you in the forum! :infinite_roots:


Hello @gabrielle :wave: and welcome to the forum!

My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it’s nice to meet you!

I hope you’re finding everything alright here at Spells8. Please, feel free to make yourself at home!


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @gabrielle

It’s nice to meet you, Gabriel! I’m Marsha, an eclectic solitary witch from Colorado.

I’ve never tried that! I have thought about it… :thinking: I wonder what my neighbors would think? Anyway, it sounds like a lot of fun! :rofl:

I’m looking forward to getting to know you better! We are here for you, welcome to the family! :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Hi, @gabrielle! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

It’s great to have you here! I’m sure you’ll fit right in! If you have any questions, just ask and someone will be there to help you!

And hey, if you can do that rain dance for WV? We’d all appreciate it! We’re in a drought! LOL!


Merry meet @gabrielle and welcome!

My name is Kat. I practice eclectic green magick and am interested in tarot, runes, ogham, herbalism, and moon magic. I primarily work with Artemis, who has been with me from the beginning of my journey.

There is a wonderful search function that will help you dig for more information in the forums!

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :acorn: :crescent_moon: :hekate_wheel:


Hello @gabrielle,

Welcome! I’m Bry, another moderator in the forum and an Eclectic Witch. Just stopping by to say hello!

Please make yourself at home here. Blessed be :sparkles: