I was glad to find this web page as it is difficult to discuss with others if you practice as a witch and have an understanding. From a young age and I really believe it comes from my grandmother of being connected to the other side. I seem to align with a hedge witch but these topics are difficult to discuss with others who just don’t want to understand.
Merry Meet @roberta2, we are happy that you found your way here.
I think that if you haven’t all ready, maybe go through the site courses to find some topics that maybe you are interested in, we also have the Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Chaos Magick to learn & try new aspects of magic that may resonate with your practice.
I’m an Eclectic Witch here in the forum. I practice or lean more towards Celtic/Irish Paganism, Celtic Mythology, I work with Celtic Goddesses. Brighid daily, but the Morrigan reaches out when I need her to for the situation. I just went full circle with her & made it through the Shadows.
Nine Types of Witches: Which Witch are You?
I found those two topics that may interest you regarding types of witches. If you have any other questions or something to share with us please feel free to ask & someone will point you in the right direction for the answer. Everyone here is very friendly & helpful.
Hi @roberta2! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum!
@Susurrus has provided you with some great links to get started. You can be whatever type of witch you want to be! I’m a solitary eclectic witch who focuses on words and candle magic. You don’t have to be just one!
Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s Merry Meet Monday post, it will let you in on all the forum news and what we’re doing and you can chit chat down in the comments about your week. It’s a great way to get to know people.
If you have any questions just ask and someone will pop you and help you out. I look forward to getting to know you better!
Merry meet and welcome @roberta2 I am Marsha from Colorado. I am so glad you have joined us. Lots of great people and information here on Spells 8.
Hello Roberta and a warm welcome.
I’m Garnet from Gulf Coast Florida.
True statement: Magic will flourish where society allows or looks the other way.
Isn’t it strange, that in the last century, magic has been recognized (again), after a long hot, dry spell.
Every member on Spells8, came here seeking an elusive “something”.
You know? That 'something that’s just out of reach, or on the tip of your tongue.
This is a site of knowledge… magical knowledge. Here, you will find like-minded individuals who meet in joy and respect, exchanging ideas with no one unkind, disrespectful, or mean. Bullying isn’t tolerated.
One of the most important things about Spells8 for me, is safety.
The persecutions and shunning we have received over the years, from friends and family, will not be shown.
This is a warm and friendly family, in itself, teaching and learning through acceptance and a great deal of information.
Again, a warm welcome to you and yours.
Blessed be, stay free, and know you be loved.
Merry meet @roberta2,
Welcome to the forum! I completely understand what you are saying- it can be really tough to find fellow witches in real life, which is hard when you’re full of excitement for the Craft and want to chat with like-minded people. I’m happy to say you’re in the right place now, the forum is a fantastic place to share your love of magick!
Is there any aspect(s) of magick you’re most interested in, Roberta? If so, I recommend using the handy Search Tool to quickly find relevant discussions. There is also the Tag System that can help you narrow down your search to specific witchy categories!
Make yourself at home here and don’t hesitate to reach out- you have a very friendly coven happy to chat! Blessed be
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