Hi!!! It’s been a very long time since I’ve been on here, and I just want to say that it feels SO GOOD to be back!!! I’m still trying to figure out exactly what “type” of witch I am? Not sure how else to put it lol. I just know there’s something. I am so SO drawn to the moon as if I have a connection with it. I’ve always been good at understanding people and making people feel better about their situation and things along that line. Yet, when it comes to myself, I have a hard time taking my own advice. If anyone has any input or anything at all, it is always appreciated!!
My name is Kat. I practice green magick and am interested in tarot, runes, oracle, Lenormand, ogham, herbalism, and moon magick.
While it can be confusing and fun to figure out what type of magick fits best for you, don’t worry about figuring out exactly what you are! Something the fun is in the exploration.
You know, you don’t have to be just one type of witch. I’m Eclectic, which I like. I can do different things and go with the flow. Do what feels right for me. I’m reading a book called Rebel Witch and it’s just wonderful! It’s all about making you’re own path.
Welcome @Moonsoul95 ! I’m from Minnesota and have been practicing many aspects of the craft for 35+ years.
There is no need to label yourself as a certain type of witch. And you don’t need to practice just one single aspect of the craft.
I currently practice chaos magick and voodoo. I just consider myself a witch with no other labels. If I feel a different aspect of the craft will better suit my spell than my current continuous practices, I will do that instead. That’s the great part about being a witch! We can do anything we set our mind to!
Just echoing the wisdom of what others have already said, but there’s no rush and no pressure when it comes to labels. No matter what type you feel called to - be it “Moon Witch”, “Eclectic Witch”, “Empath”, or others - know that you are always free to change or switch types as suits you. Your practice is yours - be free to explore and evolve in it!
Wishing you all the best on your path. Blessed be!