July, August, September 2022 Daily Single Draws

It’s the Spirits and Shadows oracle deck! Their website is https://www.downthedarkpath.com :blush: I love it so so much!


Oh my goodness I saw it on Etsy too… I almost got that one so it’s on my wishlist because I saw the Celtic Goddesses deck right after :rofl:


Building a house step-by-step work


The owl is white which to me is pure and a teacher. Weather it’s painful or overwhelming The owl I need to use my intuitive side and watch and listen to my inner voice! Owls :owl: are nocturnal animals the see all around they have night vision and they can see through the liminal spaces! I am a mother too! This owl is a wise owl that has a birds eye :eye: view! They hand out and watch and “I see everything” I am apart of a bigger picture which seems as though the universe and I are connected with each other! I am open and receptive to my power! I am aware
Owls can see very far away they can see in the distance! They are in the liminal spaces they can see a predator and they can be ruthless if they need to be! The owl is in the air and can fly away at anytime!
Kim Krans The Unknown Archetypes
Kim Krans
Kim Krans with Tarot Bytes
She has a new deck you all, called The unknown alchemy deck!
Here is all the info


Thursday, August 25, 2022

Oracles of the Morrigan

By: Feral Magic

    • I shuffled the deck & took off the top 3 cards then drew:

Well of Souls

Deep within the springs & fonts of the world are the Pure Spirits, The Mischievous & Wise Ones that were here from the beginning of all things. From the Well of Souls & the Great Tree arise all the spirits of the Earth, drawn down from the reflection of the stars in the waters.

From the Well of Souls emanates all healing words & the stories of the oldest time emerge. Honor the springs in your place & the water of your lands; listen to the water you drink. It will show you the wisdom of the spirits of the deep waters & the spirits of the first ancestors.


Friday, August 26, 2022

Celtic :triquetra: Goddess Oracle

By: Judith Shaw


Goddess of Love & Beauty: Branwen, White Raven, Wesh Goddess of Love & Beauty, is most likely an ancient Goddess whose sacred spot is Cadair Bronwen (Branwen’s Seat), a mountain peak in the Berwyn range of Wales. From afar, Cadair Bronwen is topped with a cairn that resembles a nipple

Branwen, sister of King Brann the Blessed, was loved by her people for her gentleness, compassion, & beauty. As mother of the king to come in the tradition of the Old Tribes of the British Isles, she is the embodiment of Sovereignty, the center from which all life emerges, ruling over both the spirit of & the manifestation of the land.

Divinatory Meaning

Love :heart:, empathy, peace :peace_symbol:, perseverance, courage, and sovereignty. Don’t get lost in the details. Open yourself to an understanding of the whole picture :framed_picture:

As a bonus for this one, the same day I was attempting to crochet my first tarot pouch I received this deck. So I made the pouch for this deck. Once I finished last night & chose the button closure, I realized I could also fit the guidebook in with the cards! EEEEEKKKKK!!! Now I am working on a different style for one of my tarot decks. @MeganB has me so inspired & I feel so good getting to do something I really enjoy. It’s been a long time since my hands were able to tolerate this set of motor & cognitive skills.

(Crochet for Dummies is a Wonderful Resource for my memory lapses or misunderstandings :rofl:)


Divine feminine


Funny, I have more than one number 7 in my birthday & I’m drawn to the number 3 & the number 7. They both have a special meaning to me.


I love you! :heart: I’m glad to have inspired you :blush: :revolving_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The garden maybe this is where I’ll find some me time today! I went to financial aid and I got some stuff done today I filled out my fast for paper andI am going to the park And going to watch some comedians also keywords are success prosperity and pleasure! I get a Sense of healing in some resourcefulness there are some new beginnings and maybe some endings due to the snake that is next to the male! The spiral is symbolic for the divine center each nation must walk the spiritual spiral path and word before the path and results reaped from it returns to the outer physical world! Material gain too!Transformation too!
This traditional card means the Ace of Pentacols this deck is DJ Conaway and Serona night Shapeshifter tarot illustrations by Lisa Hunt


Thank you for sharing, that’s a beautiful deck! I love the colors used for the images!


I drew the New Moon card from my Tamed Wild, Wild Moon deck.

August 27, 2022


Good morning from Medea in Upstate NY…

He is beautiful! Love the Moon eyes :eyes:. Have a wonderful, safe and blessed day.



Hello Siofra Strega,

Thank you so much for sharing your Moon card. It has some awesome, detailed, knowledgeable information.

Have a Blessed day,


Good morning @Medea you are very welcome. I feel bad that I posted it later than planned, but I thought the information was good to share for the New Moon/Dark Moon. I didn’t post the Dark Moon card, had actually forgotten to take the picture, so hopefully next month I can.

I will be posting a daily draw soon & doing Tending Brighid’s Flame this morning. :hugs:


Thank you for your reply back. I’m afraid I might be posting some things late as well. For last week’s weekly challenge I wanted to use light language I have been studying that prior to signing up with spells eight. It is an awesome language and absolutely beautiful. We’ll see maybe I can use it around somewhere thanks again


I have never heard of Light Language, but I am very curious & intrigued! I’ll bet you will find a use for it here… maybe @BryWisteria can make a Weekly Challenge using languages again! Maybe a non-traditional language type of challenge or new to the practitioner language :thinking: :face_with_monocle:

You are very welcome! I’m getting ready to post the daily posts for Brighid & the Single Draw. I will be in & out throughout the rest of the day.

It’s my 18th wedding anniversary with my husband & we have been together for 21 years! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: So I may be longer between sign ins, but I will be in & out. :revolving_hearts:


Congrats to both of you!!!

It makes me happy to see they’re still relationships that lost that long, you don’t hear that very often anymore … sad.



Sunday, August 28, 2022

Celtic :triquetra: Tree Oracle :tree_of_life:

  • (By: Sharlyn Hidalgo & Illustrated By: Jimmy Manton)L
  • I shuffled the Celtic :triskele: Tree :tree_of_life: Oracle deck 3 times & took the next 3 cards off the top & drew:

13. Ngetal Reed

Keywords: Direct action, movement, focus, intention, conviction, on purpose, progress, skill, becoming a hollow reed

The Ngetal Reed initiates in the twelfth lunation of the year & the autumnal equinox, also known as Mabon & Alban Elved. We celebrate the harvest, now. Thus, we honor completions & also prepare for the coming of winter. This portal calls for direct action towards the month in which we can set & deliver our last intentions for the year’s ending. The double helix of our DNA is a symbol of this portal. Reed includes grasses, bamboo, cattails, & other plants with long, hollow shoots. The ogham for Reed is Ngetal & the letter NG

13.Ngetal Reed Upright

When you get Reed in a reading it is time to focus on a desired outcome & take action. If you are looking for a job, make calls & set up appointments. If you are working on a project, set up your itinerary & get busy. Today is the day.

Set your intentions & back them up with daily affirmations. Ask your community for help & seek out those who will support you. Call upon those who are in a position to lend you a hand up. It is time for strong, determined action. Go for the bullseye. Use your energy to make your dreams come true.

This card also asks you to either reset your intentions & goals to make them more current – or more realistic – or to re-energize them. Take stock. Write down ways you can implement your dreams. It is time to take concrete actions toward your goals. Even small steps can make a big difference. This is a great time to seek out a friend who can act as support & a witness, helping you launch your ideas into reality.

  • As an added bonus, I want to share the pouch that I made for this deck including the guidebook!

The Key by the top says, Journey. The charms hanging from the tie-offs are a Triskele :triskele:, a Triquetra :triquetra:, a Claddaugh with the Triquetra symbol on the top, & a fairy. Then on the bottom, the plate says, “The journey awakens the soul”

This pouch I knit yesterday after my husband spent literal HOURS untangling the entire skein after my pupper decided it was something he could possibly make something with, maybe… I know he started around 6:30/7 PM the other night & ended around 1:15 AM. I had fallen asleep twice & the last time I woke up, he had just finished. I don’t know very many other people that would spend their Friday night doing that for someone after working all week… but he did :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you! I will tell him when he wakes. (He works at a labor-intensive job & we have had drought status for a couple of weeks along with higher-than-normal heat :sun:)… he can sleep in on the weekends if he wants to. :laughing:

I hope you have a great rest of your day! Talk to you soon! :heartpulse: