Kali, Tantra, and Sri Vidya

Kali is just one form of the Hindu Great Goddess. Her main form of Parvati. All those Goddesses, Kali, Durga, Parvati, are the same Goddess, just different forms of her. She is the consort of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is the Hindu Great God, same God as the Horned God, just minus the horns.

The Great Goddess in Hinduism, Maha-Devi, has very very many forms, even some really obscure forms just local to some areas (that most people won’t even know about except those of that area).

Also she has many Tantric forms too. Tantra is the Hindu word for Witchcraft. The mistaken western ideas, that Tantra is some form of sexual spiritual ritual, is not what Tantra means in it’s eastern meaning. Just like modern Witchcraft can include sexual rituals (The Great Rite and sex magick), it is only a small part of what Witchcraft is. Tantra also can include sex magick, but it just a tiny part of what Tantra is, the same as for Witchcraft. So to call Tantra sex spirituality only, is the same as saying that Witchcraft is only sex magick, just simply wrong. The main forms of the Great Goddess (Maha-Devi) that are called upon in Tantra practices are either Kali, or Sri Lalita Tripurasundari, but there is many many minor forms of her that are called upon for more specialized purposes. Kali is more of a wrathful form of the Great Goddess, related to destruction of all non-spiritual aspects of the ego, and Lalita is a very sweet and beautiful form of the Great Goddess.

Lalita is a maiden aspect, but she is a very indepth form of the Goddess since she is related to the very mystical system of Tantra called Sri Vidya, which is the metaphysical knowledge of the whole of how the cosmos is structured, sort of like a Hindu version of the Kabballah, only 100 times more complicated! If you have ever seen the Sri Yantra, it is the diagram used for understanding this Sri Vidya. Every point on the Sri Yantra is related to a different form of Maha-Devi, connected to different aspects of reality on a metaphysical level. It is intensely complicated!


Sri Vidya Basic Level Meditation

Sri Vidya Meditation in 3 Dimensions With English Translation


A wonderful exploration about Hindu Goddesses- this was a delight to read! Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom, @Volmarr :pray::books:

It does sound complicated indeed- a diagram with an amazing amount of depth to it! The picture is beautiful to see. Thanks again for sharing! :clap::two_hearts:


Thank you for sharing @Volmarr! The diagram is very complicated but I like looking at it too. That was some great information about the Hindu Goddesses. I hadn’t dove into them like I did the Celtic Gods/Goddesses or Greek. I like learning about different views on paganism though & which deities people work with & why. I’m a curious one sometimes.


The Sri Yantra is a crystal grid that I use. I love it’s energy!!! Thank you so much for shedding light to this subject!!!


I was thinking that it looked similar to a crystal grid! I’m getting the hang of this :rofl: however slow that may be.


Hey, but at least you’re doing it! There’s a lot to learn. I’ll help you though, even if I have to mail you my workbooks from school🤣 ok love I have to catch up with the challenge, Im doing the knot one like you.


How very interesting! It’s Hollywood and the like that has made Kali out to be evil I think. Thanks for this information!


This is intriguing :slight_smile: thank you for sharing :heartpulse:


There is 2 forms of the Sri Yantra, the flat form, normally made in metal, and a 3d form, normally made in crystal.


She is not evil. She just helps you to transmute pain, anger, and hurt into positive spiritual energies, and helps you to not be attached to events, just to accept everything in a mindful way, even the negative events of life. She also can protect against negative energies. You can offer her up any pain, hurt, or negative energies you have stored within and she will gladly accept those energies as a sacred offering, and recycle those energies.


Yeah, I didn’t think she was. It’s just that most people’s first impression of Her comes from Indiana Jones and that’s a bad impression. Hollywood has a lot to answer for sometimes.


I love it! The more you could help teach me, the more appreciative I am! I’m so eager to learn more about the subject. Thank you!!


@christina4 I am very happy to help teach about this subject and other magick/metaphysical/spiritual things which I know.