Have any of you updated your altars in connection to lammas? I’d love to see them. I just left from shopping for things to do mine and I’m super excited
This is a photo taken just over a week ago for my Lammas update. The altar cloth is sold as a bandana or crystal grid but the colours matched perfectly what I was looking for.
stunning! Where is that bandana/cloth/grid
from? It’s beautiful!
P.S. love your cauldron- I’ve been eyeing up the same one for a while now
It’s from an Etsy seller:
I got a little bit lost on their page and I’ve had to resist buying many more things!
I just made a post showing my altar. Here, I’ll link it…
Other cloth is beautiful, right!!! I love it and your altar @IrisW
I should add I got the cauldron from another Etsy seller. I bought a starter witch kitchen from them a few months ago and added on the cauldron. It’s the perfect size for what I need.
The butterfly looks lovely. And as ever I’m in awe of your crystal collection
Thank you, beautiful
Nice @IrisW! Looks great! I really like that Lammas page you have there on the side, very cool looking.
I don’t have an altar for Lúnasa but I will be baking some bread or tarts (haven’t decided yet) and leaving an offering of said baking for the Gods, specifically Lugh. I’ll also be leaving offerings for the Land spirits in my area, too. No altar, though
Here is my updated altar space for Lughnasadh. And don’t worry, the candles on my working altar next to the flowers are flameless LED ones! No fire hazard there! I’ll share a photo of my table spread later this evening when we have dinner with our friends.
I love it @Amaris_Bane I still haven’t done my small set up yet. I’m struggling hard with motivation. I’ve been planning to start work on my corn dolly for days now and alas it’s all still in a bag waiting for me to get some pep in my step. Y’all keep praying for me cause I’m just plum exhausted. I’ve convinced myself that if I can accomplish just one thing in each area of my life each day right now then I’m good. For instance meditation for my craft, laundry for my house duties, a virtual dinner date with my husband for my marriage, and send out a couple resumes to potential employers for the financial stuff, etc. I’m a clumsy person by nature and balance is not something I’m good at as my tarot cards are so kindly reminding me speaking of which it’s meditation tea time and then I WILL make my dolly and set my altar. I’ve been so excited for lammas for a while now and I’m not gonna just let it pass me by without me doing anything at all.
The laundry just might have to wait
Same here girl. I feel better knowing that at least I’m not the only one lol
FINALLY got my altar for Lammas finished. I’m a day late but my sweet corn dollie gave me a little more trouble than I expected it to coupled with the fact that I just can not seem to find motivation to do anything other than sleep these days. Praying that the approaching new moon will renew my mind and bring the promise of new better thing to look forward to. Until then I’ve accomplished my altar set up today and that counts as my one item on the checklist of things that I have the power to change so now I think I’m going to lay back down with my 2 fur babies while I update my B.o.S and my grimoires maybe inspiration will strike on how to get myself out of this hole I seem to have fallen in. Hope everyone had a fruitful Lammas. Blessed be
It looks wonderful @phoenix_dawn! I really like the tablecloth! And your pentacle is so pretty! Great going!
@Amethyst the table cloth is actually a couple of Thanksgiving cloth napkins that I had found in my storage boxes when I was trying to downsize my belongings a couple weeks ago but they seemed to be an appropriate fit into the theme of the altar lol And my pentacle is actually an old canister top that had broken off when I moved back to my mother’s so I repurposed it into an altar tile. There’s just something so beautiful about taking something that seems to have completed it’s circle of life and giving it a whole new purpose and life. I’m undergoing a tower moment right now so I’m heavy on transformation lately (hence my name change, new hair color and repurposing everything that people keep telling me to toss out because it’s garbage) I even repurposed the metal tool box that holds my travel altar supplies for a second time (the first time it was a portable fairy garden thanks to my former pain in my neck landlords) a lot of the items I use on my more permanent altar when I don’t have it packed up in storage are items that I repurposed for use in the magical aesthetic of personalizing my sacred space. In doing so I feel that it is the ultimate way to personalize it to me because just like the items in my space my spark extinguished itself and now I’m rising from the ashes with a new purpose and new path. (You’ll have to excuse my incessant need for symbolism it’s always been my method of visualization and commiting things to memory)
Well, they look great! Repurposing is always of the good. I used to have a pentacle that was a dinner plate with the star painted on it in gold. It worked!
I hope everything goes well with your rise from the ashes!
I absolutely love it! Its simple and elegant and I can tell you chose what items to include with great care!