Very pretty! I especially like that glowing candle in the middle!
Thanks that’s actually a Himalayan Salt candle holder. I love it, so do you have an Altar and if so would you like to share it?
I like your Altar. It looks Calming and I Love that it’s so Neat. Maybe that’s just my OCD jumping out LOL. Very nice
Hahaha! Thanks, OCD here as well. I’m building it up more, I feel like I need so much more!
I’ll share later on, when I get a camera worth sharing it on. My phone camera is crap so I broke into the savings for a camera just so I could play with photos on this site. LOL.
Just found this!
Will upload altar pics later - mine is super tiny and not very witchy as I’m practicing in the broom closet (my bedroom) now I’ve moved back to my mum’s house
Ok can’t wait to see it…
Can’t wait to see it and it doesn’t matter how big or small your altar is it’s just special. Thanks for sharing the Altar prayer.
Nice Altar I love them Both
A small sneak peak of my altar during a Mabon reading last night. The other candles wouldn’t stay lit because of the wind tho, only my Goddess and God candle stayed lit
What a pretty little altar! I like the cards too, what deck is it?
My little broom closet (bedroom) altar- gently spruced for Mabon.

I picked up the autumn-y candle holders today

My water element shell is super special- I took it from my Grandmother’s home in Poland after she died - she always had it on display and I loved ‘listening to the ocean’ as a child- apparently she got it from her Grandmother who had it in her house… it’s probably at least 100 years old!

@autumn2 What a lovely outdoor setup!! I love those pumpkins! What are they??
@Limeberry Wow! You really have an eye for altar design!
Amazing color choice and what a great picture! What incense did you burn?
Here’s the altar I set up for a release ritual I just did over the weekend. I had a very unexpected loss in my house a week & a half ago, so I was hopefully letting him know it was okay & I forgave him for what happened. I wrote him a letter and did some other things. I’m in the midst of an altar change because I’m trying to kitten-proof my apartment!
@Limeberry, it’s beautiful,! I love seashells too,! I have a couple of big ones which I found on my patio when I moved in. Plus at least 3 wind chimes made from seashells. I’m so drawn to the ocean. Maybe I’m Merman. Lol. Like I posted in another post. My dream is to live by the ocean someday. However, it must have a forest close by because I love the woodlands as well.
@haley I’m sure he appreciates the gesture and especially the letter! I hope you’re feeling better. Sending you the best vibes!
@walter I know the right place for you then! Punta Ballena, Uruguay.
I went there with my family once. You probably have family close by too! You should check it out someday!