Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse 🌑 October 2024

Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse 2024

October’s New Moon brings us to Libra, a period of new beginnings in balance, harmony, and our personal goals. This is a good New Moon to have as we come upon Samhain (and Beltane for those in the Southern Hemisphere) – we can lean into our personal goals, maintain a level of harmony, and seek peace for ourselves and others as the veil thins.

Depending on your time zone, the New Moon will be on 2024-10-02T18:49:00Z. Find the exact time of this month’s New Moon here: Moon Calendar from Astro-Seek.

What Is A New Moon?

If you need a recap of what a New Moon is, click here! 🌑

Astronomically speaking, a New Moon is the period of time when the moon is at 0% illumination. The Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth. This causes Earth’s shadow to fully cover the Moon leaving the night sky in darkness.

There are several different beliefs regarding the New Moon and witchcraft. Some witches believe this is the time to start new projects. Others believe it is a time of rest and recovery where no magic should be done.

What does a new moon symbolize? This is a time of introspection, self-analysis and reflection. An opportunity for a fresh start and a New You. - New Moon Rituals (Spells8)

The Sign Of Libra

The diplomat of the signs, Libras tend to choose their words and actions carefully to keep the balance on all sides. They seek compromise and truth, remaining open to all sides of a situation until they see a clear answer. Balance is so important to a Libra that it is the end goal in all things: relationships, work, and home life. A Libra will seek out harmony and peace, choosing to make decisions with logic rather than emotion. However, the desire to hear all sides of an argument can make Libra indecisive! They will need to be very careful not to get stuck in this cycle of diplomacy. Otherwise, they may end up stagnating and not making any decisions at all.

Learn more about Libra :aquarius: : → Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Signs by @Cosmic_Curiosity

The Libra New Moon :new_moon:

The New Moon in Libra is a great time to start working on some new personal goals in your life that align well with the scales of the sign. This is especially true when it comes to the concepts of balance, harmony, and making peace with those around you. While it isn’t feasible to forgive everyone around you, it is possible to heal through the situations and find closure so that you may move on more easily.

Moon in Libra Meditation

Just as Libra focuses on balance and harmony, the New Moon in Libra is a wonderful time to hone in on your values and boundaries. If you have a tendency to allow others to push your boundaries, working with the energy of Libra this New Moon can help you overcome the tendency to appease others. Keeping the peace is not the same as maintaining harmony - remember that this Libra New Moon!

Annular Solar Eclipse

If you live in Hawaii or South America, you will be blessed with a partial solar eclipse – the Full Solar Eclipse will only be visible in a small part of Chile and Argentina. We had a solar eclipse recently here in the Northern Hemisphere where much of the United States was in the path of totality.

During a Solar Eclipse, the moon moves into the path of the sun directly in front of the Earth. This causes the sun to be fully or partially blocked by the moon, casting a shadow on Earth.

There are many opinions on whether one should work magick during an eclipse, and there is no right or wrong way. To find more information about working with eclipse magick, check out the posts below!

→ How to Make Eclipse Moon Water + Uses and Benefits – Spells8
→ Spell For Solar Eclipse: Sun & Moon Candle Magic – Spells8
→ Eclipse Energy: How to Manifest During an Eclipse? – Spells8
→ And don’t forget the tag here in the forum! Find it here: eclipse

Activities For The Libra New Moon :tada:

There are many things you can do for the New Moon in Libra depending on your goals. Here are a few ideas to help you get started!

Get Serious About Wellness

Peace, balance, and harmony all go hand-in-hand, and while we often look to the outside world for these concepts, they are just as important to our inside world, too. This includes all three of our body systems – mental, physical, and spiritual. It may be time to get serious about your wellness goals in these aspects. Create a routine to help you stay consistent. Check out the potions and recipes we have here at Spells8 to help you with your wellness in many ways!

Evening Calm Lemonade Recipe

Seasonal Bucket List :memo:

Get out your notebook and start making a list of all the things you want to do with your life before you “kick the bucket”! Libra is all about bringing balance and harmony to life with a special focus on personal goals. Having a list can be a great way to get serious about what you want and weed out what might be impossible – be realistic about your goals but don’t sell yourself short! Make your list extra magickal by incorporating sigils, chants, and even color magick. There is no limit to the possibilities for your bucket list magick!

Release And Let Go

Part of making peace with life is realizing that sometimes we just have to let things go. We can’t control everything, you know! If you are holding on to a situation or emotion, it might be time to let it go so you can move forward. These things, the baggage we carry, can literally act like an anchor holding us in the past. In order to move on, we have to drop the anchor and start fresh.

Burn Away: A Spell to Release the Past and Let Go

Remember, the energy of the New Moon isn’t just for the one day that it reaches its peak. Personally, I give myself a three-day window for the New Moon: the day before, the day of, and the day after. This works well for my practice and it may work for yours, too!

Do you plan to work with this New Moon? What are your favorite ways to work with a New Moon?

Let’s hear about it!


Wise words! I have a few unhelpful habits I ought to cut loose, all in the name of making it easier to move forward.

There are some great ideas and suggestions for tomorrow’s New Moon here - thank you, @MeganB!

Wishing everyone a happy and balanced New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra :balance_scale: :new_moon: :sparkles:


I just posted on our solar eclipse and pet post… but I’ll chime in here too! This eclipse seaon is hitting me hard! I haven’t ever had reactions quite like I’m having this time. I have been so discombobulated - I feel like I’m moving through water - zero motivation mixed with a ton of FOMO, I am exhausted, but can’t sleep (and I love to sleep so I get super stressed when I can’t sleep!). I keep getting barely there headaches that just last long enough for me to notice them and then disappear. I’ve been grounding a lot and actually read (or saw… it might have been a video) about connecting with each of the elements, so I may try that today and I plan to make a list of some goals and add some sigils (why have I not ever thought of THAT before… I love lists!). I’m excited to welcome in this new moon and hoping I start to feel a little more myself!


Wow @AileyGrey I’ve been feeling the same but have just been saying I dont feel right You put it beautifully Thank you for adding ideas to move forward


@BryWisteria – You’re welcome! I’ve got a few habits I could do without, too :laughing: here’s to a fresh start with the New Moon!

@AileyGrey – I 100% get it. I never attributed it to eclipse season but maybe that’s part of the issue :thinking: I’ll have to figure that out and see what I can put together for myself. I hope you start feeling better soon and that the end of the eclipse season (now until March of 2025) gives you a break!


Thanks! I normally LOVE eclipses! Life is going splendidly, too… I just feel like my body needs to catch up with…… everything else! I’ll keep you posted!


Oh goodness, I totally get this :joy: I’m right there with you!