January 7, 2024, 3:59pm
Persephone’s story has always fascinated me and I have always felt a draw to Her. However, I have never officially or formally worked with Her or introduced myself to her. @Francisco already kindly shared the link to the Spells8 course on Persephone. We also have many different topics here in the forum, too.
Persephone - The Poems of Sappho
I saw a tender maiden plucking flowers
Once, long ago, in the bright morning hours;
And then from heaven I saw a sudden cloud
Fall swift and dark, and heard her cry aloud.
Again I looked, but from my open door
My anxious eyes espied the maid no more;
The cloud had vanished, bearing her away
To underlands beyond the smiling day. [1]
Source - Cgaddictworld on Deviantart
I have been drawn to Persephone for a very, very long time. Literal years, …
I celebrate Persephone’s descent into and ascent from the Underworld on the equinoxes. Since the equinox is Saturday, I have created a small ritual to honor Lady Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld, Lord Hades, the Ruler of the Afterlife, and the balance represented by their union.
I will update with pictures after I perform the ritual on Saturday.
You are more than free to use this ritual or adopt it to your own needs, no matter what path you follow or deities you work with. I would love …
I have my witchy box from Tamed Wild coming this month & we get an amulet for our bracelet to represent Persephone. As most know I work with Brigid, but to wear the amulets there’s a ritual involved & I don’t want to just do the ritual & wear the amulet. I’d like to know what each God/Goddess represents & have some kind of idea of what I’m wearing. I hope that makes sense.
Anyway, I don’t know if anyone here works with Persephone. She is a dual deity. The daughter of Zeus & Demeter. The story i…
In Greek Mythology, Persephone is the daughter of Demeter who was captured by Hades and brought to the underworld. He eventually releases her but because she has eaten the pomegranate seeds in the underworld, she must live half the year with Hades.
Persephone represents the gentler side of the feminine. She also represents the dead, especially during the winter months, while in the summer months she is optimistic and child-like as she lives above ground.
Many witches choose to work with…
Then, as @Satans_Helper mentioned, YouTube is a great place to learn about how others practice and work with a deity. Here are a few videos that you might find interesting! Just as a note, I haven’t watched all of these videos so I can’t speak to their accuracy