Mabon Meal (A Feast for One!)

:apple::fallen_leaf:Happy Autumn Equinox and Mabon to All!!!:jack_o_lantern::sunflower:

My partner was out of town, so I celebrated the equinox with a feast for one yesterday! :yum:

Here is what was on the menu:

  • :green_salad: Autumn Salad with Pears, Walnuts, and Sunflower Seeds
  • :shallow_pan_of_food: Harvest Soup with Chicken, Veggies, and Lentils
  • :purple_circle: Polish Plum Cake
  • :pear: Pear-Raspberry Cocktail Potion

I also spent a bit of time learning about Dożynki- a Slavic harvest festival that used to align with the autumn equinox. As Poland is a largely Catholic country now, many traditional pagan celebrations have, unfortauntely, faded away over the years. But it’s still fun to learn about them! :open_book:

[Picture from Wikipedia- Dożynki]

To finish off the night of the Equinox, I had a long gratitude meditation in front of my Mabon Altar :sunflower:. I mediated until the candles burned out, and then went to bed full of graitutde and excitement for the new season to come :candle:

As the sun wanes and the darkness of winter approaches, may your magick continue to bring you light and warmth from within :sun_with_face:

Many autumn blessings to you all! :heart:


Wow. That looks so good! I wish I could cook like that. And I bet that Harvest soup will taste even better today!


Wow what a feast! This looks so amazing! :heart_eyes:


Nice! Looks delicious!!!


What a beautiful and quite tasty looking celebration!


That looks yummy! Let’s organize a trip to Poland next year?!! :laughing:

I’m now reading about Dożynki It looks fun!

Have a Blessed Harvest, Bri! :corn: :jack_o_lantern: :fallen_leaf: :candle:


Aww thanks @Amethyst, @LimeBerry, @walter, @Rowan, and @Francisco! :heart:

Wishing a blessed harvest and happy Mabon week to all of you too! :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Aaaaand it’s already time to start planning for the next holiday- Mabon seemed to come so fast this year, so I’m sure that Samhain will be here before we know it! :joy: