Magick Gardens 2024

Your tulips are beautiful marsha. My wormwood has gone insane. Your wormwood is beautiful! Warning it goes insane! :star_struck:


They look so nice :green_heart:


I am jealous. We had a Nor’ Easter on Wednesday overnight into Thursday of last week, 22 inches of snow. I was hoping for some early risers but this storm took care of that.

So to make myself feel better, I went to Home Depot Saturday and bought myself a grape vine. Always wanted one. This is the year for me to add some things that have been on the wishlist for awhile with no good reason why they still are there. I also ordered 25 snowdrops. Next year I’ll get some early color for sure!


Don’t mind me being a plant enabler when I say go for it! Make this year yours, Veronica - I hope you have lots of fun in your garden and that all your plants thrive :green_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy gardening!


I’m adding photos of the progress I made yesterday

Putting in 10 bags of topsoil.

Bought 10 more bags of top soil, 2 bags of mulch and 2 bags of drainage rocks and got everything distributed where it belongs!

Planted Bee Balm (Monarda) and Garden Sage plants.


I just want to dig my hands in that dirt!!! :star_struck:


I couldn’t help it and I planted a row of “Bull’s Blood” beets with red leaves and dark red roots in the new garden, in the rain, the day before I left!! :laughing: Excited to start hardening off my seedlings and planting warm-weather seeds when I get home!


I know they will be gorgeous! Safe travels sweet sister.


I took a few more pictures today

New Baby Elm Tree!

This little tree sprouted from the roots of one of the trees that died a few Winters ago. I am so happy and excited to see this new growth! We had a wet spring last year and small Elm sprouts were growing everywhere in my yard. I transplanted several along the back fence, hoping they would grow and create more privacy in our yard. Most of them survived the winter! :green_heart: :deciduous_tree: :partying_face:

:black_heart: Black Tulips! :tulip:

:pink_heart: Lilac bush! :purple_heart:

In the last few years we have had late spring freezes with snow and the flowers were lost :cry: I am so happy these are almost in full bloom this year! Thankfully, warm weather is predicted for the next few days! :blush:

Good for you! :hugs: I haven’t dared to plant grapes
 :thinking: Who knows? Maybe someday I will give it a go! I would love to see yours though! :heart_eyes: :grapes:

Lovely herbs! Your garden boxes look amazing! I look forward to seeing your pictures. :herb: :green_heart:

Thank you everyone for sharing your stories and pictures! :hugs:

With love :green_heart: and magick :dizzy: always,


I am Groot!! You should name him Groot


Marsha your tulips are gorgeous! I am so happy you have a new tree from the one that died. How awesome is that! Someday I am going to get me a lilac bush. I have always loved them, and they do really well in my climate.


I haven’t planted any flowers or anything since moving into this house in December. I’m waiting to see what the previous owners put around here and I will soon find out!

These little things are popping up everywhere! I sent a picture to my cousin and she said they’re probably a type of day lily, so we’ll see.

And then I have these which look like bean sprouts :joy: and they are all over my grass!!


It does look like what our daylilies look like when the first start coming in so I second that. Another option could be Iris but I think these are daylily. So exciting to be surprised by everything that emerges from your yard!


I’ll be sure to post pictures as they come in so we can all be surprised together :heart:


basil for money

sage for smudges

thyme for cash flow

mint for money

parsley for family peace


 my Hyacinth came up & it split this year! My day lilies
 ALL of them have started sprouting. My hostas have just started popping up & my bleeding hearts :two_hearts: they are tiny right now. The Irises are starting & some others that
 I planted last year but this year can’t remember what they are :rofl: so those will be fun when they are fully bloomed. My forsythia is starting to flower too! My mint
 is doing its own thing in the backyard
 it kind of goes where it wants now :joy:

Everyone has such lovely plants & flowers!

@MeganB the 1st ones look exactly like my front yard, the side of my house & around to the front
 the crept from up agaisnt the side of the house around the corner to the front. The others surround our front yard but have also jumped either into the driveway or behind the row :laughing:


I can’t wait to see what they look like when they all come in :laughing:


I have so many things popping up in the last couple of days. Some of them I look at like
 “Hmmm, what are you? I must have planted you last year, but have no idea what you are.” :rofl:


How exciting @MeganB, I can’t wait to see what those little sprouts turn into!

@AIRAM your herbs are beautiful!

I can’t wait to see your beauties @Susurrus!

I have this lady that lives down the road about a mile from me who is just awful. (If you looked up Karen in the dictionary there would be a pic of this woman, that’s how bad she is). She is scouring the neighborhood for free plants. I don’t mind sharing my plants when I have plenty and they are doing well, but that drought last summer killed off some of my flowers that I have had for over 20 years. I worked on Friday night and got off at 7 in the morning. Hubby took me to breakfast and then I went to sleep. At 1 o’clock in the afternoon I was in a deep sleep and someone started ringing the doorbell. It was like a little kid ringing the doorbell over and over. I got to the door and was ready to chew out one of my grandkids, and there stood Pat (Karen). " Was you sleeping"? This is literally how she talks. I told her yes, that I had worked all night. “Oh, can I have some of your Canna lilies”? This woman literally had a wagon in tow! I would have said yes last year, but this year they are in short supply. I told her she could have some when they start multiplying again, but the drought killed most of them last year. Then she told me ok and to go back to sleep. That didn’t happen because I was to angry to go back to sleep. Fast forward to this morning. I get off work, take a shower and then take Buddy out for a walk. Ya’ll remember Buddy, he’s the one that is part pit bull and territorial so I have to have him on a harness and leash when I take him out. He’s sniffing my tires and I hear something. I look up and there is Karen and her daughter Karen Jr. with there wagon stopped on the road in front of my yard. They also had a toddler and little foo foo dog like my Shelby. I said something, probably “Oh Sh*t”, and Pat looks up and is walking toward me. WRONG! I told her that I am holding the dog and she needs to pass my house. Now, I’m sitting here waiting for the Sheriff’s Department to come by because Karen is going to complain that she couldn’t walk casually by my house because I have a vicious dog on a leash. Oh, and she had a wagon full of plants (not mine). :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

Sorry ya’ll, I just had to get that out. On a better note, my gladiolas are coming up. I was shocked that they got through the drought.


We have a lot of people who come here to “visit” from out of town (it’s officially the beginning of tourist season here), and when they stay in a house in our neighborhood, they also take walks around. That’s fine, but they also will take clippings of plants like our Rose of Sharon, my neighbor’s Hydrangea, or my other neighbor’s rose bush. I’m always like, really?!?!

They also seem to think that the state & town leash laws don’t apply to them. Then, wonder why my dogs go insane when their off-leash dog wanders into our yard while my dogs are on leash with me. Then, feel the need to tell me that I shouldn’t own the dogs I do or, even better, have them put down. I never walk my dogs off-leash or off my property :roll_eyes: My son had my larger dog on-leash outside & a woman was walking with her dog off-leash. When my son said not to let her dog onto the property, she said, “Oh no, it’s fine. My dog gets along with all dogs.” My son said, please recall your dog or put her on a leash because my dog doesn’t want to meet your dog right now; your dog needs to get off our property. She told him that her dog doesn’t need to be on a leash & to have our dog put down. :exploding_head: Tourists are fun.