Magick Gardens 2024

How cute!!! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


@Phoenix_Rose I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hurt myself thinking a salamander was a snake. :rofl: I am trying to get over my snake phobia.


@Phoenix_Rose It’s adorable :green_heart:


Oh, hello little slimy friends! (They’re really sweet!) :lizard: :heart: :blush:


So cool! :lizard:


Well, apparently the squirrels or perhaps just one jerk of a squirrel has dug out each and every one of my transplants to get to the growing media the seeds go in. My transplants started from seed are a total loss.

This means I decided to buy a couple of cherry tomato plants, which also means I had to get my tail in gear to put up the pest gates quickly. Last year after a couple of days of planting pepper and tomato plants, the deer ate them to the ground. :woman_facepalming:

I saw an idea online and was modifying it to fit my garden but I didn’t buy enough of the dowels to get the rest of the gates up to protect half of one of my gardens (the one with the tomato plants). I’ll pick up those after my RuntheBoro run tomorrow morning.

Here’s what it looks like so far. (and yes I realize that clearly my blessing and protection spell for the challenge failed immediately and spectacularly. The bleeping squirrel even dug out the herbs and crystals)

The idea is that the panels (2 feet tall) have dowel rods attached to them that slide into the PVC that's attached to the frame. I lift up a panel to remove it and have easy access to the garden - in theory. This is my first year trying this idea. I know it won't stop the squirrels but it will stop rabbits and deer.

FYI hardware cloth is viscous stuff to work with :laughing: I’m scratched up all over my arms and leg. Six more panels to go to get the other garden done.


Squirrels can be so annoying!! Sorry to see that the squirrel dug up your garden :disappointed:


Noone can stop squirells :angry: I’ve tried everything and they always get through. Hubby calls them tree rats! I swear they’re agents of Loki to bring chaos and disorder to everything. They terrorise my garden, my bins, my seedlings, my flowers ( they bury their nuts under my flowers) my little birds, the mice everything and everyone, and when I shoo them away, they yell at me :rofl:. Still, they look cute. :green_heart: Sorry about your garden @Artemisia


My lavender plant


Beautiful :heart_eyes: @Phoenix_Rose I love lavender it’s one of my favorite herbs :purple_heart: :herb::potted_plant:


I love your lavender! I have tried to grow it several times and I can’t make it work. There is a lavender farm about 20 miles from me. I’m going to pay them a visit and see what I’m doing wrong.


Thanks! @Ostara However, this is lavender 2.0 for me. The one I planted last year died. I am trying again!


I hope it works for you. There are so many types of lavender. I know the farm near me has 3 different types that bloom at different times of the year, from early spring until late fall in the crazy Texas weather.


Wow, I’ve missed A LOT. I didn’t realize this post existed. Here are my babies. Most haven’t gone out yet. I’ll be doing container gardening due to small space and neighbors.

These are June bearing strawberries. :strawberry:

The one with nothing growing yet has bush beans. 🫛 Green and purple. The other container has ever bearing strawberries. :strawberry:

Lettuce, rosemary, lavender, forget-me-not, stock

Marigolds, sage, alyssum.

Lavender, coneflowers, calendula, daisy, and a bean plant.

Sunflower, marigold, bachelor buttons

I have more but I lost track of what I was posting lol. I’ll go back and tell what’s what. :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy Gardening :house_with_garden: :herb: :hibiscus:


Oh my goodness that little salamander is adorable… what a good omen


@Artemisia I am so sorry about your garden.
They ate all of my arugala one year… They ate it like it was corn it was the silliest looking thing… there are menaces… however they did plant (or bury) one of my sunflower seeds and this is growing now…

They are total ■■■■■■■ but also they bury pretty things too… a diacotomy just as life is…


Wow! What a beautiful garden! You are amazing with plants! I do not have the ability to keep most of my indoor plants alive. I planted outside this year, I’ll see how they do. Where did you get the adorable pot holders in the first picture? I love them!!


@Mystique are you talking about the black grow bags?


Yes! Those are just grow bags? They look like adorable planters. :rofl::rofl:


@Assyla555 your plants are beautiful!!!

@celineelise the squirrels planted a sunflower! How awesome is that!

Last year in the fall there were some big fat green caterpillars on my rue plant. I have never seen anything like it, and I didn’t want to kill the caterpillars. When my hubby got home I went to show him. No caterpillars in sight, and the only thing left of my rue plant was a stick! I can’t believe they ate it so fast, but a few weeks later that rue plant started growing leaves and it’s beautiful!