Magick Gardens One

@marsha Thanks for asking! Not too shabby, I had enough energy to make it through the day without a nap, I am dizzy headed so staying sitting down and in bed mostly still but at least I can read, watch TV and be online which is much better than the last 10-12 days. YAY!!!
Thank you for the healing work you’ve been sending me - I am so blessed and grateful :green_heart:


That’s good to hear. I usually do healing in the evening just before I go to bed. So I will continue. Love you dear one :heart:


Thanks @marsha I am deeply thankful for you - Love Jan


Hi, I’m staying somewhere right now and there’s a garden. It has huge amounts of snails. I dont mind them but having that many is a bit much. Its a very warm and humid climate they’re eating through a lot of plants. What are the causes(other then the climate) then and what is a simple method of protecting the plants from it. I cant send any pictures of it as my phones not working at the moment.


Uh-oh! A few slimy friends is okay, but when there’s an infestation eating through your gardens, that’s no good.

In terms of the causes, I’m no expert (perhaps someone else will have better advice!)- but from watching the gardens I’m familiar with, it seems to be based on yearly weather patterns. Some years are dry and certain flora and fauna are sparse, while other years get lots of rain and there’s more of certain species. Even within the same climate, things can vary significantly from year to year.

I’ve heard of salt being used to prevent slugs/snails (although use cautiously, because too much salt can damage plants as well) :salt:. I’ve also heard of eggshells being used around the base of the plants to prevent them from oozing on in :egg:

Others will likely have some more options for you- I hope you can find some good ways to protect your plants, Sarah!

Good luck and blessed be! :sparkles:


Thanks @BryWisteria thats some great advice. The salt thing kills them and it might be painful for them, thats why im shying away from that idea. The eggshell one is a good one.



I’m happy if I could help, Sarah! Good luck and I hope the eggshells can deter the snails away and help keep your plants safe :pray::potted_plant:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


I have only heard of a using table salt to line the borders of the garden or a small bowl of beer too.

We don’t get very many where I am right now. It’s been a while since I’ve even seen either of them.

Hopefully someone has other ideas or a a way to help keep them from taking over.


@sarah_poe Hello! I’m so happy to hear you are not into using salt as it may harm the snails!!

I use coffee grounds (which disintegrate into the soil as compost) and other barrier items such as mulch, rocks, copper — Rosemary, mint, sage, thyme border also deter them. This is a really good comprehensive list in the article for them - enjoy! :snail:


Hey @jan_TheGreenWitch thanks for the article and all the other advice. Ill give it a read.


Hey @Susurrus someone else suggested beer to me too haha but I dont think Im a fan of that. They are so cute, theres so many newborn snails in one flower pot, but yeah they also eat alot of food.


oh yummyyy, specially the purple peppers.


@Susurrus omg those are gorgeous!!! Everyones gardens are soooooo pretty


Oh wow stunning! :heart_eyes: Sunflowers are one of my favourite flowers along side lavender and roses… Nothing like beautiful bright sunflowers to brighten your day. You are very lucky my dear :sunflower:


Thank you @Mistress_Of_Herbs! I definitely look forward to around May through Sept… always something blooming as something else has passed… then… everything goes to sleep until the next year :rofl: but that’s what keeps me wandering my yard… random plants :joy:


@Susurrus it all makes sense now lol. Ours is about the end of march til mid Oct we see things still in bloom. My purple heart plants tho are still blooming. And a few rose bushes. I have one rose bush that will bloom in snow and ice. Now just waiting on my Camillas.


I need to find me some indoor plants that I can keep alive… I’m much better with outdoor plants. Lol :laughing:

We do have a cactus… thing… its an indoor plant that blooms in the winter… since I almost killed it one year… I’m not allowed to do anything with the indoor plants… the few we do have :rofl:


@Susurrus Get an ivy or a fern!!


Ooo… maybe there is a chance for me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ll have to see about one of those… we do have ivy that has worked its way up a few of our oak trees. I love when it’s all green & looking at it wind up & through the branches.


I put a pineapple top in dirt and it’s growing!