My garden story began when we moved into this house in March of 2016. It was a small yard, with no trees and mostly bare dirt, with some scraggly looking grass here and there with a few weeds mixed in.
The first summer, I planted sunflowers! The birds and squirrels spread the seeds and they come up everywhere now. I have to thin them out, one summer I didn’t and I had a Sunflower Jungle! I loved it!
You may have seen my plant post earlier this week, but I don’t have the best track record with plants. I am currently (trepidatiously) growing 5 plants: a geranium named Ruby, a citronella plant named skeeter, 2 tomorrow plants that I got on accident named Bob and Larry, and a mystery plant from my 2nd grader named Tiny. I’ll take some pictures when I head back to the deck. Just pray I keep them alive!
I love those sunflowers, Marsha! I’ve got a garden but right now it’s been taken over by fire ants I’ve learned my lesson for Florida. Don’t garden in the ground unless you want things to be eaten by the ants…it got bad this year!
Look at those pretty flowers! They’re lovely, but they don’t shine nearly and beautifully as that sunny smile You look right at home with your flowers, Marsha!
I’m surrounded by my mother’s gardens while staying with my folks- I’ll have to see if I can get some pictures to share (with her permission)!
I love this thread- thank you so much for starting a magickal garden collection discussion, Marsha!
I love that you name your plants! @AileyGrey I have learned so much about plants in the last few years and sadly, I have killed more than a few. I’m just learning about plants too. I look for plants that are easy to grow and hard to kill!
Oh, @MeganB fire ants are the worst. It’s the only time we use any poison, and my husband does it! He finds the ant hills and pours it in! But they always come back every year, sadly! I don’t spray, because I want to feed the birds, squirrels, and bees. I have grasshoppers, aphids, spiders, and other bugs I don’t know the name of. My dad always told me that spiders were good and they ate a lot of bugs, so I leave them alone unless they jump on me and bite me!
Thank you @BryWisteria I love sunflowers, they always make me smile
Thanks for sharing this @Kasandra I love it! I wonder if the gardeners have to wear protective gear? Do they have problems with bugs, or do the plants kill the bugs? It sounds like it would be a fun place to visit! I would go, I might have to wear gloves and a mask though and not because of covid!
I planted the Hollyhocks a few years ago… and I did not know that it takes 2 years for them to even come up! And another year or two before they bloom!
I put in the rock pathway through the garden last summer. Someone suggested that I fill the cracks between the rocks with sand, so I did. But it holds the moisture and the little Violas have spread their tiny seeds everywhere. I love the little flowers, so I only pulled the ones growing in the middle.
I used the cinderblocks that were left here in the yard by the previous owner for planters. I also tried my hand at stenciling, but it was much harder than I thought.
Loooove your Sunflower jungle!! That’s a great photo of you and your sunflowers! You have a great smile. I would love to grow sunflowers. We live in a townhome with a small area we can plant some things but it’s not a great sunshiny place. We tried sunflowers one year and they didn’t like it there. So we have shrubs. Lol!! They are nice too.
I also don’t have much of a green thumb, but I do have an orchid that was gifted to me 6 years ago. I’m shocked it’s still alive and even more shocked it’s thriving. After the bloom was done, it didn’t bloom again for two years. I thought for sure it wouldn’t bloom again, but a friend of mine said Orchids keep blooming. So I never gave up on it. It now blooms several times a year and blooms even more each time. Maybe it’s helps that I speak to it each day with gratitude and love.
I LOVE looking at all of your beautiful gardens! It’s a labor of love I know I started a memorial garden when my brother passed away 2 years ago and now I’ve started planting in other areas of the yard. This week I’ve worked on a new cottage garden and it’s been POURING rain. Like rain dripping off my nose and muddy as can be but very therapeutic and rewarding. As you know! I wanted everything in the ground for the full moon tonight. We typically have more sun by now but Mother has graced us with lots and lots of rain. Everything is nice and watered though Haha. One thing I’ve planted I’m in love with is the White Lavender, smells so heavenly! Happy gardening sisters!
@WitchAngel111 your orchid is beautiful! You for sure have a green thumb! It takes talent to keep those little beauties going☺️ Mine died off booooo.
Thank you for sharing, I dub thee Queen of the Orchids!
Aaawwweee you are too sweet @Mistella! Thank you. Queen of the Orchids. Hahaha I like it. There should be a badge for that. Lol!! Maybe I’ll brave getting another one and see how it goes.