Magick Gardens Two

Ohh does your lomi work well?


Yes! I use it every day, it’s awesome!!! I wish it were twice the size though :slight_smile: @Phoenix_Rose


Your garden and herb drying rack are awesome!


Wow Jan, I need to plant me some chamomile now that I know how to use it. I learn something new everyday.

So happy you are back with us sweet lady.


Thank you. You warm my heart love.


Thanks @Ostara :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You’re right, it’s definitely all relative! When we moved to Florida, it was the first winter here and it was about 70F outside. Being from California, and moving to Florida from Oregon, 70F was good weather for me. I walked outside and my neighbors came out at the same time…wearing bubble jackets… :joy: They were like uhh…what the heck are you wearing? And I looked at them just as crazy! :rofl:

I am extremely jealous that you have a Lomi :sob: I want one so bad lol but I just haven’t been able to justify the price. One day I will, though!

A friend of mine is moving and can’t take her plants with her. I am now the proud plant parent of so many more plants! It’s raining right now so I don’t have pictures, but I will get pictures tomorrow! :clap: :tada:


I’m SO excited for you to get that many plants - I was gifted some a few times like that and it’s like Christmas in July!!! Can’t wait to see your pictures.

Ya, the lomi was an investment, but I justified it since I was made to move into the middle of nowhere from Florida :). Truly an investment well made though if you ever take the plunge with it. For green witches, anyone who is in to conservation and recycling or anyone who just wants to cut down on their trash and get decent compost (albeit a tiny bit at a time - it adds up though!), this is the device for you! :mage:


I’m gonna try and remember to take pictures tomorrow :laughing: I absolutely love new plants! One of them is a shampoo ginger - I’m so freakin’ excited for that one! :clap:

I want to get a Lomi for sure, but I also want to get big compost barrels for my backyard since I have quite a large garden. I think the Lomi would be good for instant compost – well, as instant as you can get, I suppose :laughing: but the large compost barrels would provide more compost for my garden.


Now I need to go find out what a shampoo ginger is wow!!! Never heard of that before. I love to use ginger - all.the.time!

I can’t use the large compost barrels because of the bears and other wild animals here - I travel some with work (too much to keep a real good eye on things constantly), so I get my large compost from a neighbor’s commercial organic, regenerative farm, which honestly is better than any compost I could create on my own. I don’t have a lot left over after basic trash, recycle bin and Lomi. When I clear my garden out each season(s) I give all the garden waste to that farmer to feed to his pigs and grab some of their compost to start anew! :bear: :fox_face:


Shampoo Ginger is actually called Awapuhi Ginger! It’s native to…Hawaii, I think? But it’s a really cool plant that produces a liquid that can be used as a cleanser for your hair and skin!

That makes sense about keeping the compost. We don’t have too much of an issue with that here, I don’t think. Maybe raccoons, but that’s about it. I just haven’t gotten around to it, yet. The Lomi is definitely one of my wanna-get investments!


Holy shampoo Batman!!! Wowza this is crazy amazing! I cannot wait for you to show us this yowweeeeee!


I’m so excited!! :partying_face: It doesn’t have any blooms on it yet, but I’m sure it’ll get there soon! I can’t wait to show you, too!


@Ostara Rain dancing for you, Ostara! Hope you get the next bunch of rain clouds that pass through the area! :pray: :cloud_with_rain: :grinning:

Rain dance girl
Gif from TENOR

@Phoenix_Rose Your herb drying rack is beyond gorgeous- I need to make one of those! :laughing:

@jan_TheGreenWitch Your chamomile is beautiful- I bet it makes such a lovely cup of tea! :blossom: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@MeganB Shampoo ginger!?! How have I never heard of this!?! :star_struck: It looks amazing- I hope it thrives and you get lots of wonderful, natural shampoo from it! (Please let us know what you think of it- I’m super curious :laughing: )

This made me laugh :joy: :heart:


Thank you Bry, it worked! We had a few showers last night and another chance today!


@BryWisteria – I will definitely let you all know how it goes! I’m not sure when I’ll get the first bloom. I’m hoping soon! :crossed_fingers:


Okay, I promised everyone pictures of my new plant babies, so here they are!

Red Peperomia

I believe this one is a Philodendron.

This is a Tradescantia zebrina.

Two coffee bean plants!

This is the Shampoo Ginger (and theres a little lizard friend behind him)

An elephant ear plant that didnt like the heat.


And a pineapple that I need to put in a bigger pot!

The philodendron needs to be potted because it’s just been propagating right now. That’s on my list of things to do next week. The pineapple also needs a better pot, so there’s another thing on my list :laughing:


Everything is beautiful Megan! :heart:


It’s been raining all day!!!


Woohooo!!! Sounds like our rain dancing paid off haha- I’m so happy you got the showers you needed, Ostara! :dancer: :heart: :blush:

Look at all these cute little friends! :heart_eyes:

I have to say that I have had the shampoo ginger on my mind ever since you shared about it- it looks like it would be really tricky to get up here in New England (and tough to keep it alive in the winter too, even with a greenhouse). Still gonna keep my eyes open for it though, I’m really fascinated by it! :laughing:

I hope all of your beautiful new friends thrive- happy gardening, Megan! :green_heart: :sparkles: