Magickal Properties Of Chemical Substances

I see a lot of people talking about herbal correspondences. But there are some chemicals that have magickal correspondences too. Here is a list I found. Let me know if you know if you know anymore and I will add it to the list. I hope this helps (:

Magical Properties Of Chemicals

Bismuth - Bismuth encourages teamwork, Bismuth supports learning, Bismuth helps with fevers, Bismuth is good for general recovery.

Copper - Copper is considered a mineral of energy and mental agility. Copper is said to be the metal of the God Hermes, who facilitates that mental agility, and quick wit.

Gold - Gold assists when feeling overburdened with responsibilities to ease the load. Gold helps when feeling distracted and weighed down.
Gold can balance energy fields, and is beneficial for opening and balancing the third eye and crown chakras. Gold is a mineral of spirituality, understanding, and attunement to nature. Gold can remove negative energy from the chakras and bring in the positive from the stones it is with

Silicon - Silicon may encourage attraction. Silicon increases activity. Silicon boosts vitality. Silicon is beneficial for the muscles. Silicon promotes agility.

Silver - Silver helps to cleanse the body and to eliminate toxins at the cellular level. Silver provides one with patience and perseverance. Silver tends to strengthen the “silver cord” and diminishes the unconscious fear of the inability to return regarding astral projection.

Sulfur - Sulphur stimulates the Intellect. Sulfur vibrations are beneficial for the skin. Sulfur gives protection. Sulfur aids digestion. Sulfur helps with Arthritis and Rheumatism.

Zinc - Zinc promotes Joy. Zinc encourages Loyalty. Zinc strengthens the muscles. Zinc is beneficial for the bones.


This is really interesting! Just like you said, we talk about herbal correspondences all the time around here- as well as color, Zodiac, seasonal, and so many other correspondences as well. And now we can add chemical and mineral correspondences in too! :star_struck:

I knew some traditional correspondences for gold and silver, but the others are new to me. This is a handy list, @carter1- thanks so much for sharing! :raised_hands:


This was a very interesting read. Thank you for sharing this @carter1 I will be bookmarking it to add to my B.o.S.


I planned on making posts for these because they’re also minerals that I learned in my courses. Thank you for adding these!


If I remember correctly, copper is also associated with healing. It was used historically to help treat wounds. It could also be used to keep unwanted things away – think the copper IUD killing off sperm cells to prevent pregnancy!


Very interesting! I’ve never really thought about chemical properties but now I will!


This is great! :hugs: I never thought about metals as correspondences. Thank you :heart: :blush: :people_hugging:


This is great information, I have all these in The Ultimate Correspondences & Intents but have all of them listed as metals. never thought of them as chemicals.

Here is what I have for Sulphur (listed as a crystal/stone/mineral):

I’m adding Silicon with the info you have, thanks.


@MeganB i actually have to take a copper supplement. Eveyone plsake sure to have your doc run a heavy metal test before u start or stop any of these components. Or any herb supplement, check with your doc.


But fortunately we don’t use copper ones anymore because of how dangerous it can be to our health. :sweat_smile:


Always an important reminder! :clap:

They stopped using them…? :sweat_smile: I had one after I had my daughter, and I only had it removed about two years ago when I had a tubal ligation! It’s the Paragard


Copper also has a correspondence with Brigid, doesn’t it? The Hermes connection was new to me, but fits the picture. When I think of copper, I think of alchemy, fire, transformation and blacksmithing. It’s a soft and easy metal to work with. :fire:


This kind of thing… I’ve been wanting to show you this picture of an enchanting mural in Hagen Open Air Museum for some time :blush: :fire:


Beautiful :fire: :heart_eyes: :sword_tarot: :sparkles:


@CelestiaMoon I love that mural. It’s amazing :sparkling_heart:


Yeah, I would say so. I’m not sure what specific significance it has, but I make the connection through Brigid the Smith.


I think so! When I got my first Mirena IUD back in 2016 (they last 5 years), I was told the copper ones existed, but they weren’t an option anymore because of the risks.

It’s beautiful! :sparkles:


I’m not sure that’s the case in the US at least. I have one that was put in about 5 years ago and the studies show it’s effective longer so mine will remain for 2 more years. :woman_shrugging: I’ve not had any problems with mine barring a bad interaction with a Diva cup 4 weeks before my last one (which was in 5 years) was due to be swapped out. Forgive me if any of this is TMI and please feel free to hide the parts that should be hidden.


Huh… that’s odd! Well, I’m glad you had something available to you lol copper or otherwise :blush:


Oh, interesting! Maybe it’s more of a “we don’t have selling agreements” thing, masqueraded as a health concern. Nothing surprises me when it comes to the health industry.

I’m tempted to ask about the bad interaction, as I’ve yet to try one of those… But maybe I’ll ask about experiences in general over in the blood thread. :laughing: