@Nikita-mikaelson Your question was how was your day going to go? & you drew the Chariot.
The Chariot Upright Meaning
The Chariot Tarot card points to a triumphal feeling of freedom as if the Charioteer is being paraded through the streets as a hero (or heroine). The card reflects congratulations for high achievement and serves as a sign of empowerment. Huge wheels and frisky steeds speed the rate at which the driver’s willpower can be realized. This kind of charge makes more of the world accessible to one ambitious enough to seize The Chariot’s reins. But there is danger in this feeling of freedom, because of the increased rate of change and its power to magnify mistakes in judgment. As a seasoned warrior, the Charioteer is called upon to be extra attentive to the way ahead.
The Chariot Advice Position
The Chariot advises that you be prepared for changes that might include a move or an opportunity to travel. The Charioteer travels light and stays open to fresh experiences that change with every valley or mountain pass. You may be asked to live out of a suitcase and consider every place your home for a while. Be receptive to new people who come into your life. Most especially, become more fluid and
taste the joys of freedom. The Charioteer is nothing if not self-sufficient. Be prepared and self-contained for the changes that will sweep in and carry you with them.
Tarot Poem 7. The Chariot - @Amethyst has written poems for each of the Major & Minor Arcana cards too.