Have a blessed Friday Witches!!!
Yessssssss. My hubby and kids learned that pretty early on,especially my biological son. He couldnt get away with nothing.
Even now i know things, and ill call him and be like whats wrong…hes like how did u… .nope nevermind its just mom. Lol
Hes even told that to his girlfriend. Dont fight it or question it, its just mom
@Mistress_Of_Herbs, you know why mothers are one step in front of their kids?
It’s because they were rascals too. Like, been there, done that.
@Garnet exactly. Kids think we know nothing.
Like yeah ok kid, momma has forgotten more than u will ever know. And if u are thinking it, well momma has probably already done it.
Hey baby girl? How are you doing?
Just touching down.
Love you soooo much.
@jan_TheGreenWitch I don’t know why that meme is so hilarious to me…
I FEEL the love @Garnet THANK YOU and I’m oh so grateful!!!
Not doing fabulous, but still being fabulous all the same
Love uuuuuuuuuu
Nice and so true. Thanks for the cheer up!
Awesome so funny! Don’t think the owner would be too pleased lol
So true and great advice!
I’m just now seeing this, I love it. Thank you for sharing. Also I need to follow her again, I love her stuff!
That is so true @Garnet. Sometimes when my kids do something I think
I have done that and I know how it could have been done better.
Hey @Garnet just seeing this, very sorry I missed it. The struggle is real!! Resting as much as possible is the theme. Dodging side effects. Loving you back soooooo much.
Perfect! That’s a great one for today!