Good morning on this Merry (even if it’s chilly here) Morning!
Congratulations @marsha! A 3-Week streak & a shiny new badge! Way to go! You’re truly a gift to the coven I can begin to thank you enough for everything you have done & also the assistance through November with the Single Draws & Tending Brighid’s Flame
while I was recovering & finding my footing while doing so! You are amazing with all that you do throughoIut the coven
I did finish my challenge entry, I will be posting that once I am finished going through this post Better late than never!
I am going to be making my annual Witches Ball to add to our tree & then it will move to my sacred space for the year. I will also be making up an intentions pinecone, also that will hang on our tree until around Imbolc when I will release them into a fire with some other things from this past year. Plus, I get to have a fire! Woo hoo!
The New Moon is my favorite phase for reflection & I will also connect with The Morrigan
& thank her for all of the assistance throughout the past cycle & ask for continuance through the next one. I will do some reflective journaling also. Something I have really come to enjoy & practice each day, even if it’s just one page.
Now I have a few pages of journal prompts that I have collected through a couple of the challenges on SilverBear’s site & working with my providers over the last 10 months…
(I can’t believe it’s been that long & what a journey it has been) I am definitely in a much better place as a person & have changed & transformed many times over those 10 months into a significantly better version of myself. So a great time to rest & reflect.
I had read… somewhere (it may have been an email from Tamed Wild… about the upcoming Winter Solstice that it’s a great time to learn or study something new during these next few months. I have decided to continue my courses through Biddy Tarot & enrolled in the full Tarot class & not just Master the Tarot Card Meanings. I had previously taken a course on reading the cards intuitively… which I have to say… even before that class I was already on my way to relearning to trust & listen to my intuition. The class just made that even better… it’s been amazing so far! Much more clarity & ability to move through my days. Plus, even though I am still only doing a one-card draw each day, I no longer need to look at the guidebooks that come with each deck!
I have a good routine in the mornings now & meditation
practice. A few sorts of rituals that I do each week & daily… my path is flowing much easier & my connection to it is very strong. Once I accepted that baby steps
or one thing at a time was what really worked for me to stay grounded, present, & continue to progress.
I did miss the Group Ritual last week but I had a pretty good weekend. I was able to get a lot done on Saturday in my space as far as cleansing, cleaning, reorganizing, and consolidating. Even with the closet & overflow of boxes
… it seems that everyone that gets gifts
for someone… puts them in my room… I really hope they don’t expect me to be wrapping all of these gifts
I got to spend time with friends, neighbors, & family. I also got to speak with my brother who recently came home from his deployment to Japan We had a great conversation with a lot of laughs. My family also had a lot of laughs Friday through Sunday here & with our friends & neighbors on Saturday.
My Completely Unintentional Life of the Party Moment
I had unintentionally become Santa’s Spy
to a 5-year-old boy that happened to turn around & see me in a reindeer onesie outfit with the hood up. (The hood has antlers & a red nose.) He was convinced that I was there to make sure everyone stayed on the nice list. My daughter had started to play a sleigh bells sound on Spotify from her phone that was in her pocket. So they all ran to the front door to check for Santa’s sleigh. Me being the Queen
of the Irish Goodbye took that as my chance to go out the back door (yay for social anxiety) & played the same sound from my phone as I made my way down the side of the house. A friend of my daughter, her father went out “to the car” on the other side of the house
& started with “HO, HO, HO, Merry Christmas!” and then went back inside. My daughter text me that the little boy & his father were getting ready to leave, so I continued playing the sleigh bells & scurried across the street to connect to a Bluetooth speaker. I played the sleigh bells from my front porch as they were getting in the car. My husband was outside & heard the little boy all excited telling his Dad that Santa must have come to pick me up because I was nowhere to be found & the bells were further away.
So that was a lot of fun watching him be all excited for Christmas
& hoping that I told Santa he was still on the nice list still so he would get his presents