Merry Meet Monday - Magick News of the Week! Jun 13 - 19 🍓

Oh my it’s gorgeous, I remember when I found out they sell genuine stone jewelry :joy:

I wear one on each wrist
One is just chakra stones & honestly a little too big for my wrist, the other on my receiving (left) hand is the set of chakra stones & at the beginning & end have a clear quartz then a strip of black tourmaline stones.

The first one… I dont remember where I got it. The one on my left wrist I got from the school where I took my crystal healing courses. I got my chakra stones from them that I use for healing & working with each one. I use essential oils, breath work, & meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: also to work with my chakras. Lots of meditation :thinking:

My son is having fun & taking pictures. They have stopped a couple of places to see different things. I check in with him every once in a while.