Mugwort Questions

I want to order mugwort–Do I just drink it to receive visions, lucid dreaming, and/or astral projection. Does it require only intentions? Or does that require a spell?

And since they’re loose leaves–what’s a good size too get? (In grams)


Hi Jada!

First, the non-Magickal answer: Be Careful with Mugwort!

“There is not enough medical research data to prove—or disprove—the safety of mugwort. Mugwort is likely unsafe for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It may cause the uterus to contract, inducing miscarriage. Mugwort’s use has not been established as safe for infants.” - VeryWellHealth

You may be allergic to mugwort. If you notice any respiratory side-effects, seek medical care right away. Read more in this topic: Mugwort is not a gentle plant and it's not for everyone!

Now the Magickal answer: :sparkles:

Just like white sage, Mugwort contains thujone, a neural exciting agent. It’s not hallucinogenic but it has a variety of spiritual properties.

It is a great calm-before-bed- tea that will give you more vivid dreams but I don’t think lucid dreams are guaranteed. :tea: You can also craft a dream pillow with mugwort.

Also like sage, you can burn mugwort for spiritual purposes.


You can drink it as a tea before bed, you can burn it for divination work, put it in a satchel and put it under your pillow or carry it around with you. Size wise it’s up to you on how much you want. Id consider questions like “how often am I going to use this?” and “Will this be for something specific or everyday use?”


Yes! And if you suffer from allergies (like pollen, trees, weeds) it could cause your allergies to flair up.


Ooh, be careful with this one!!! I drink it as tea. But for the first time, the other day, I burned it as an incense. I became overly fatigued!!! I couldn’t help it so I put out the incense and I plopped on the bed :sweat_smile:

I use it for lucid dreaming and astral travel.



I grow my own mugwort and sell it in a 2 ounce bag, but I also blend RELAX W(b)itch! that is made with Chamomile, Mugwort, Stinging Nettle and Passion flower, sold in a 2 ounce bag. The blend helps me so much, I’m having some sleep issues been on meds to get me in to a deeper sleep, nothing worked. I started drinking this before bed a few times a week and lo and behold I’m dreaming!


Thanks for the tip :slight_smile:


Hello @jada1 ! I love Mugwort and I have several large Mugwort plants growing in my yard. It can be wonderful to dry and place underneath your pillow at night. I personally think this is an excellent use for it, as you’re not ingesting it. I wholeheartedly agree with @Francisco 's answer as well about being careful when using this herb. Another use you may want to try is by creating a flying potion with it - this is a type of salve that you can rub on pulse points to imbue the magickal effects without ingestion. I have also burned it to help with ancestor work and helping a dying pet move on. It has properties that help reach beyond the veil, which makes it perfect for mediumship and divination. It doesn’t smell very good though, in my opinion!

When it comes to using it, I personally believe that every ingredient needs to be cleansed, charged and consecrated before being used for magickal purposes. This ‘instructs’ the ingredient how to behave in the spell or ritual and helps to heighten and enhance the energies you are working with. Intention is important and is the backbone of this charging process. There is an article that explains all about the cleansing, charging and consecrating process at Cleansing and Charging Spiritual Tools which explains a few methods on it. I feel like Mugwort can be used on its own, but it might be enhanced with other ingredients in a spell. I love the dream pillow and sachet ideas! You could add Amethyst, Clear Quartz, or Labradorite depending on your goals and intention for the spell. It is a really amazing herb to use in magick, especially for hedge riding, astral projection, mediumship and divination.


Thank you! And do you perhaps know of any mediumship classes, or lessons, or just tips in general? Thanks for all the help :heart:


James van Praggh has an online mediumship certification. The price may be a bit steep depending on your financials. Udemy has some more affordable courses.

And you could also get started with beginner’s material on Youtube such as Medium Charlie Kelly or starseed.

Good luck! :crystal_ball:


@Francisco I love these suggestions, thank you! Udemy has been one of my favourte platforms for years. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@jada1 I think Francisco’s suggestions for training are wonderful. I also have a few tips that I personally use when giving readings. I like to visualize a little door in the top of my head opening (near but behind the crown chakra) and I send intention out from that door into the spiritual realm for my spirit guides to step closer to me and ensure that only positive beings come through. Then, I send out an invitation to either a particular person, the Ancestors, the Beloved Dead, or whoever else I am trying to contact and I invite them to come closer to me and commune with me. I wait a few moments for them to arrive.

It usually feels like a buzzing sensation, sometimes a vibration or heaviness. That is how I know they are speaking to me or present, and I allow the messages to flow through me and I speak them (or write them, etc) from the other side. The information can come in different forms depending on which clair senses are your strongest. It is helpful to have an idea of which psychic (‘clair’) senses are your most promiennt so that you can have an idea of how the information is likely to be received. I tend to be rather clairvoyant (vision) so I usually see the person in my third eye and see the message like a sentence. Some people hear words come to them, others feel it, etc.

It is important to thank them when you’re done, possibly give them an offering, and then release them. Close the little door in the top of your head, visualize it locking, then thank your guides and ask them to step back away. After this, it is a good idea to cleanse yourself and follow up with shielding. This is how I do mediumship usually, but there are multiple ways to do it. As with all skills, practice makes perfect!