Tonight I did a business ritual for my business to make a certain amount per month. This is a pic of the ritual, look at the EYE in the glass ball…wooey wooey wooey.
Anyhow it is an easy one that anyone can do.
Gather 5 Tealights, 5 Quarters, A dollar bill with bay leaf inside of it. And your green blessed candle, get some cinnamon, cloves, bayleaf, allspice, dill seed or any combination of prosperity herbs you choose, put them in a bowl or pestle and bruise them good, this will be your incense for the ritual, you will need a charcoal disc to burn it on.
Put the large candle in the middle and arrange the 5 tealights in a pentagram form around it. Sage and cleanse your space, think about what you really want, write it on a piece of paper and fold it lay it under the edge of the large candle.
To begin light all candles, put the incense you made into burn mode, now focusing on the center of the large candle think of what you want and be exact. Then one by one place a quarter by each candle saying this each time "Money grows, Money Flows, Bring the money straight to me. When you have finished saying it with the last candle (5x) Say so mote it be, then set the paper on fire that you have your words onm, and say this spell is done. Let the candles burn out do not leave unattended but we all knew that huh?
A very useful spell! Thank you for sharing your wisdom, @roxanne!
May your business thrive and may the money flow straight to you!
WoW that looks awesome,
Thanks for sharing, @roxanne!! That crystal ball looks amazing!
Sending green energies for your business this season!!
I will definitely be saving this one to use for myself. Thanks @roxanne !
Oh, I just saw this! Not sure how I missed it! I LOVE this! Thank you for your wisdom @roxanne
Will be doing this this week thanks @roxanne!
Do you have any suggestions on what to use for English money instead of dollar bills and quarters?
I would think that any currency would be okay to include in a money spell- or perhaps instead of paper money, you could use a gold trinket (like a piece of jewelry ). I think that because gold is an international symbol of wealth, it should do the trick!
£5 notes and 20p coins seems like a good fit!
@Abs53 use any denomination of money you wish, it really doesn’t matter what kind of money