Prosperity Spell Suggestions?

Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling lately, @haley. But the good news is- you’ve got lots of great money, prosperity, and abundance spells to choose from! :grin:

In addition to the two lovely spells Francisco shared, you can also find a list of spells and rituals related to abundance and prosperity in last week’s challenge info post: Inviting Abundance and Prosperity

I personally really love @SilverBear’s Bring in the Flow of Money :moneybag: spell and @roxanne’s Business Ritual :money_with_wings: as both are simple and only use a few ingredients!

If you can’t find a spell that works with what you have on hand, feel free to sustitute ingredients or methods and make a “custom spell” unique to your situation! There’s a handy guide on How to Create Your Own Spell that can help you design exactly what you need :blush:

Good luck and many wishes for abundance and prosperity to come your way, Haley! :pray: :two_hearts: