Yesterday, I did my daily tarot reading. I write these down to look back at them. For the theme of the day, I got 8 of swords reversed…I took that as an accident or fatality. For the question what lies beneath?..I got the tower reversed and I interpreted that as entrapment in an unhappy situation… for the last one was advice and that was 2 of swords reversed lies, false friends??? I’m not sure how to take that.
But then later on yesterday, my dad asks me if I found out that uncle Johnny passed? I know now,!!! So here’s my Farewell Letter spell from the Spells8 main site (I’m yet to bury it):
Christina, I know that your uncle had been ill and yet times like these can be difficult even if they are not unexpected. Make a conscious effort to take care of yourself and know that we are all thinking of you.
Never tried it before. Will make a note. Thanks
What works for me is late snacking.
Never fails me!
Had a few nights with my mother showing up in my dreams.
That’s weird bc usually if I late snack, I don’t dream at all, or don’t remember. I do know to avoid nightmares, drink water and calm your mind before bed either through breathing techniques or meditation. And write out that you’re not going to have a nightmare! Same for lucid dreaming, write it out, believe it!
My dreams lately are very vivid. Symbolism that has happened in the past long ago.
Can sometimes getting 2 o 3 intertwined, just before waking up.
There are times when I get so caught up in the story that wake up and my heart is racing, but not to a point that am screaming or sweating.
Many moons ago, living with my mother as a teenager, were sleeping in the same room. My mom woke my up.
I was sitting in bed laughing, talking to Marilyn Monroe. As soon as I opened my yes, went back to sleep.
I usually sleep better after I had those dreams I wrote earlier.
C4, you knew your uncle was dying, but sometimes it’s the knee-jerk reaction. They pass and you think ’ He died, he really died!’ It’s the shock and denial of grief.
I was the one who called my father when he died (I was an RN)and although I supported my family, it was at the funeral I broke down. Some SOB played Amazing Grace, and I crashed.
Any words I can say will not help, but I’m keeping you in my thoughts.
You are my heart, hang in there.
Hahaha I would pay to see that!!! I once held a speech to a huge crowd of people. My mother said well, what’s the speach about??? I had no idea what she was talking about another time I screamed so loud in my sleep it woke me up but I don’t remember having a nightmare
Thank you you’re right it’s the reaction and I still haven’t broken down yet…it didn’t hit me yet. I have a feeling that I will soon, I’m in the denial stage.