Hey all
I’m thinking about getting myself this Lilith statue as a little personal present to myself. I really like it so I thought I’d share.
What I want to do is carry out a form of Craft that does not deny the God, Goddess, and the other deities, while still incorporating elements of my Christian upbringing.
I would like to create a form of the Craft that acknowledges Lucifer in his perfect state, before his fall from grace. You know, as the supreme angel in Heaven. I’ve been thinking about this for some time. To be exact, in my way, Lucifer is not Satan, but the being of perfection that he was created to be.
I feel that I am inspired by him to achieve perfection myself, and this is what got me into the Craft in the first place, and a key motivator to my forms of self-improvement.
I still believe in other deities and the power and comfort they can offer. I would be lying though, if I said Lucifer (angel) didn’t play a part in all of this. I know I haven’t been overly open about him before, but tonight is a good night for that.
I feel like if I purchased this statue, it would pay off in the end and further me along my path.
I would like to start my own form of Wicca, acknowledging Lucifer not as Satan, but as a figure of heavenly perfection. I would call this religion Lucifarian Wicca. “Let’s see how far it goes.”