Mystic Magick šŸ’« Energy Report August 2023

Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: Report - August 15th

Moon Phase
New Moon :new_moon: EarthSky

Moon Eater
by Yuumei Art

Astrology Calendar

Sun :astrology_sun: in Leo :leo: Square Uranus :astrology_uranus: in Taurus :taurus: 10:35 pm EDT
It may be tempting to lash out if you feel youā€™re being held back, but this can lead to more problems. Try to calmly and rationally approach the problem.

The Schumann Resonance spiked to 57 yesterday, but itā€™s normal today. I usually get a headache when the resonance is high, but when it goes down, my headache goes away too! Thank you for your well wishes dear @BryWisteria

Does anyone else feel this?

I like how you have described Chaos Energy Tracy, that describes exactly how I feel today!!! After going to bed at 2:00 am, I was wide awake at 7:00 am! :yawning_face: Today has been crazy hectic and I am just now finding time to finish this post. I feel as if there are butterflies in my stomach and I canā€™t seem to relax! We are just a few hours away from the New Moon which I hope brings a calmer and lighter energy.

How is everyone doing today?

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


@marsha Heads heavy today, like Iā€™ve flown to Australia and back, got that jetlagged feeling but without the holiday :joy:. Still the calm that follows is always refreshing, like an ice tea on a hot day. Looking forward to that New Moon. Thankyou for these reports my lovely, hope you get some rest. :sleeping:. :sparkling_heart:


I sure could use a wash of calm energy- so mote it be! :new_moon: :pray:

A Himalayan Salt lamp to my head woke me up this morning- the new kitten pushed it off the shelf onto the bed. He has decided that ā€œwhat doesnā€™t kill them gets me breakfastā€ :upside_down_face:

My daily card was The Tower, though, so I knew something was coming :sweat_smile:

Howā€™s everyone else doing today? Hope all is well (and the New Moon energy helps to soothe things over for us all!) :heart:

Thank you as always for the excellent reports, Marsha! :hugs:


NO sleep last night, worrying about the clunking sounds coming from my truck. Would have been nice if @tracyS had kept the Chaos her side of the pond, butā€¦ at least my kitties arenā€™t throwing things at me. :sweat_smile: Dark Moon give me Peace and good news. :pray:


Ha! Chaos all around it seems- perhaps it likes company :joy:

Want to trade? Your kitties sound sweet and well-behaved :angel: :smiley_cat: These ones here are real gremlins! :smiling_imp: :smile_cat:

So mote it be! :new_moon: :two_hearts:


@Shadeweaver Not guilty :joy:, itā€™s Loki. He likes mechanical things and tech. Sorry. :sparkling_heart: Hope your garage can find the clunk and fix it, car trouble is stressful. Would love to send calming energy your way, but chaos is following me around at the moment so donā€™t want to risk it. :grin:. Sending hugs instead. :hugs::sparkling_heart:


My Baby Ram (dodge dakota) is OK now. Simple fix, no cost.
I am Grateful
I am Thankful
I am Blessed
I couldnā€™t get any sleep last night worrying about it. I need transportation in order to take care of my Mom as she canā€™t be left alone any more. Thinking I was going to need a new car, truck tied up in the garage for days, etc. etc. etc.
Give Loki a big kiss and hug for me and thank him for not stirring things up too much :purple_heart: :people_hugging: :sweat_smile:

and Thank you Dark Moon :pray: :goat:


@Shadeweaver Thatā€™s good news. Will give him a top notch coffee. Take care. :hugs: to your mum too. :sparkling_heart:


Thatā€™s so exciting! :clap: Iā€™m so glad it was taken care of. Thatā€™s wonderful! :tada:


Hooray- thatā€™s great to hear! :raised_hands: :oncoming_automobile: :sparkles:


Lack of needed transportation is So stressful. My little truck is 23 years old and I should expect some down time, butā€¦ I just put a clutch in it for $1700 and was hoping it would let me slide for a while. :sweat_smile: Iā€™m glad it all turned out alright.
I am grateful
I am thankful
I am blessed
:people_hugging: :goat: :mending_heart:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: Report - August 16th & 17th

Moon Phase
Waxing Crescent Moon :waxing_crescent_moon: EarthSky

Image Credit

Astrology Calendar

16 AUGUST 23

New Moon :new_moon: in Leo :leo: 5:38 am EDT
The Leo New Moon can be a great time for focusing on new creative projects and ventures, getting attention, pursuing new love and romance, being generous, and taking up new hobbies. With Venus also retrograde in Leo, approaches may need to be unconventional and different.

Moon :astrology_moon: Enters Virgo :virgo: 7:14 pm EDT
Tackle the small projects and little tasks and chores that have piled up lately. Work to get some of those little things out of the way.

Mars :astrology_mars: in Virgo :virgo: Trine Uranus :astrology_uranus: in Taurus :taurus: 9:53 pm EDT
Taking an unconventional and unusual path can be helpful now, and you can work independently. You can embrace change and do things differently.

17 AUGUST 23

Moon :astrology_moon: in Virgo :virgo: Opposite Saturn :astrology_saturn: in Pisces :pisces: 4:32 am EDT
Energy may be stifling, and you may feel like youā€™re being crushed by responsibilities or work. Try to get some breathing room in a healthy way.

Waxing Crescent Moon :waxing_crescent_moon: in Virgo :virgo:

With 4 planets currently in Retrograde, and 3 soon to be, thereā€™s still more to be cleared and healed! So you can expect the deep inner work and healing to continue until the end of the year!

  • Pluto - helps us take back our power
  • Saturn - may be testing relationships
  • Neptune - what you tell yourselfā€¦ becomes your story, heal and change
  • Venus - brings healing and shifts around love and finances
  • Mercury (Retrograde August 23rd to September 15th) - brings old relationships up to be healed
  • Uranus (Retrograde August 28th to January 27th, 2024) - brings major growth and change
  • Jupiter (Retrograde September 4th to December 30th) - help us to plan the path ahead.

On the Energiesā€¦

Yesterday, August 16, was crazy for me! I have been talking about endings and beginningsā€¦ well that describes my day perfectly. I was finally able to sleep last night, and I feel like all that weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am emotionally exhausted, but clearing the air helped. I am letting go and standing in my power! And I have a million things to do to make that new beginning happen. I am going to be really busy, but I will try to post here as often as I can. At this moment in time, Iā€™m not sure I will be able to post every day, but I will do my best!

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


@marsha Iā€™m glad you finally got some much needed rest. Sending you energy to help you get all you need doing done. Take care of yourself lovely. :heartpulse::kissing_heart:


Thank you so much, my lovely friend! :pray: :hugs: :heart:


I look forward to your reports. Thanks for all your do. Sending energy and Love :heart:


That is absolutely okay, Marsha- please take care of yourself! :heart: The energy reports are much appreciated, but your health and well-being are always the number one priority :blush:

Woohoo! Look at you go, Marsha- shining so brightly! :star2: You are surrounded by power and positive energy- spread your wings and soar! :dove: :two_hearts:

Lots of love and many blessings to you :heart: :blush:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: Report August 18th

Moon Phase
Waxing Crescent Moon :waxing_crescent_moon: EarthSky

Healing With Sound

Astrology Calendar-August 18, 2023

Moon :astrology_moon: in Virgo :virgo: Conjunct Mars :astrology_mars: in Virgo :virgo: 8:57 pm EDT
Take the initiative with what you want for yourself. You can have the energy and enthusiasm to get moving.

An X1.6 solar flare peaked at 22:22 UTC (R3-moderate) and was located around Sunspot region 3386. This is the 5th strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle thus far.
~Space Weather

Today I would like to begin by saying Thank You :pray: to @Shadeweaver and to @BryWisteria! I am so grateful for your kind words Henry and Bry! I love you both! :hugs: :heart:

How is everyone today?

All the retrograde planets are making the energy feel heavy. Since retrograde Venus rules our love life, this is the time for some deep healing and cleansing of our relationships.

The Sun will align with Regulus, the star of royalty, and open another energy portal, on August 21st through the 23rd. Think about what you want to create because this will be the perfect time to do so!

I have had some big changes recently, and perhaps you have too. So at this moment, I am continuing to heal, grow, and set goals. I am asking myself, ā€œWhat do I want to create?ā€ :thinking: And soā€¦ I ask you,

What do you want to create?

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


@marsha Interesting. Iā€™ve just had my yearly psychic reading (literally half hour ago) and she said,

She said itā€™s time to let go of those relationships of the past that no longer align with who we are today. Make new connections.
She also said,

So to create what we want for our lives.
Yes, big changes, Iā€™m with you on that Marsha. That healing and self growing is strong around us.
Thankyou for your report. So many connections this week, with the rune rituals, the cards, the tea leaves, the psychic. I think endurance is needed to heal and grow into who we are meant to be. I got chills. :heartpulse:


Iā€™ve been doing alright today - ended up with a headache a bit ago, but itā€™s finally started to subside a little bit. I think itā€™s congestion and swelling from surgery, and everything still healing and stuff. Plus, my glasses are heavy and sit right on my nose. :nerd_face: That doesnā€™t help at all :joy:

Honestly, Iā€™m working on so many things right now!

  • finishing writing a course on shadow work for my members
  • finishing writing a course on research techniques to help with witchcraft and pagan research
  • literally have a massive list of other courses and classes I want to create
  • finishing up my guided meditation audiobook
  • adding different products to my shop

Likeā€¦ :joy: I donā€™t have enough time in the day to do everything I want!


Me too! I got chills just reading your message! Itā€™s synchronicity! Or magick as the case might be! :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

I knowā€¦ right! You are crazy busy! I love how you listed all the things you are working on, you are so organized! I have organized chaos and I need to think about setting some goalsā€¦ :thinking: :heart:

Now that you mention itā€¦ I have a slight headache too! Hope you feel better soon!