Mystic Magick šŸ’« Energy Report August 2023

Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: Report August 24th

Moon Phase
First Quarter Moon :first_quarter_moon: EarthSky

24Aug23-FirstQuarterMoonSagittarius-Yasmin Boland
First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
Moonology Manifestation Oracle, by Yasmin Boland

Astrology Calendar - August 24, 2023

First Quarter Moon :first_quarter_moon: in Sagittarius :sagittarius: 9:57 am UTC
Going big can help you make adjustments over the next week, and you can expand your flexibility to get more done.

Moon :astrology_moon: in Sagittarius :sagittarius: 8:07 am UTC
Being more positive can open up more opportunities for you, which can help with the wonky energy right now. Try to be optimistic.

Mars :astrology_mars: in Virgo :virgo: Trine Pluto :astrology_pluto: in Capricorn :capricorn: 8:23 pm EDT
Take time to get more power and control over something in your life. This can help you feel more secure and give you more energy.

We have the First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, which means the Sun is 90 degrees from the Moon creating a Square aspect, a negative aspect, which creates tension! If you have any doubts, make all the necessary changes now, even if it means moving in a new direction. If this is a tipping point for you, then go with any new inspirations.

You can use magic spells, and rituals to help you focus on manifestation, push through the obstacles, finalize your plans, take action, and move your dreams into reality!

Use your Magick AND Trust the Universe!

We have several planets in retrograde, so the energy will continue to be heavy and dense for a while longer. Old emotional baggage will still come up to be healed and you can expect more changes to be occurring during the rest of 2023.

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


I suppose itā€™s to be expected as we get closer to Samhain and enter the season of renewal- still, makes me feel like I need to hang on tight over the coming weeks! Hopefully it wonā€™t be too bumpy of a ride and weā€™ll all end up on the other side better than ever before- so mote it be!

Thank you so much for the reports, @Marsha- hope you had a nice First Quarter Moon and that you are doing well today! :heart: :blush: :crescent_moon:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: Report August 25th

Moon Phase
Waxing Gibbious Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon: EarthSky

Image Credit-Disclosure News

Astrology Calendar - August 25, 2023

Moon :astrology_moon: in Sagittarius :sagittarius: Trine Venus :astrology_venus: in Leo :leo: 9:27 am UTC
It may be easier to deal with others, and you can find new ways of getting on the same page and keeping the peace.

Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon: in Sagittarius :sagittarius:

We had quite a spike in the Schuman Resonance, 78 amplitude, as well as, an MClass solar flare! Thankfully as I write thisā€¦ Itā€™s back to normal, 7.83 Hz. I was awake for a couple of hours early this morning and had a difficult time going back to sleep :yawning_face: Did you feel it?

Energetically I would say, the energy of August 2023 has been high, with lots of spikes! This is likely to continue well into September. The approaching Super Blue Full Moon will bring in brighter and lighter energy, but our emotions will also be increasing.

Will still need to continue the healing process, and take action to bring what we want to create! This can be simple, such as making a decision, setting your intention, or just deciding what you want! Depending on what you want, it can also require more time and work to create your dream!

Today is also a 22 Master Day, (8+2+ 5+ 2+0+2+3 = 22)! In numerology, 22 is a Master Number and is not reduced further. Itā€™s believed to be a Magical Number. So this is a good time to tap into this Magical Energy for healing, manifesting, or crafting something powerfully magical!

This is especially powerful if you have 22 as a Life Path number! Your life path number is determined by adding the numbers in your birthdate. My life path number is 11, which is also a master number! If you would like to calculate yours, click here!

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


Life Path Number 5

Life Path Number 5 is the number of freedom and change, and those with a Life Path of 5 tend to seek freedom above all else. They are more likely to be adventurers, having a restless nature, and being on the go, constantly seeking change and variety in life. Along with having a free spirit and the need to have variety in their life, if they do not live the adventure, their lives may become way too dramatic and dull.

Interesting. I always preferred Liberty to Freedom. We are all already free, but with freedom there are consequences. Liberty however is freedom with responsibility. Kind of like the wiccan rede



Very spot on, I thought. Iā€™m always at risk of burnout. Definitely need to work on @marsha advice here

Thanks for these lovely :sparkling_heart:


Life Path Number 4

Life Path Number is about putting all the pieces together; it is a builder number. Those with Life Path Number 4 tend to be good organizers, practical, diligent, and persistent in their approach to dealing with day to day activities. You are a realist, and your down to earth nature, decisive actions, and perseverance, all make you that much more likely to succeed where others may fail. Be wary of being too stubborn, rigid, and even becoming a workaholic.


Your Life Path Number

= 11 + 8 + 2
= 21/3

Your Life Path Number is a vibration of independence, one of creative self expression, and communication. Those with Life Path Number 3 tend to be charismatic, charming, and witty. You are more expressive, upbeat, and creative, and as such are more likely to be drawn to pursuits that will act as an outlet for your artistic talents. Be wary of losing concentration and not committing to your projects, as well as becoming disorganized with your responsibilities and money.

I mean, yeahā€¦ that sounds about right :joy: especially the ā€œBe wary of losing concentration and not committing to your projects, as well as becoming disorganized with your responsibilities and money.ā€


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: Weekend - August 26th & 27th

Moon Phase
Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon: EarthSky

This Weekendā€¦
by Elizabeth Peru, Facebook

Astrology Calendar-Weekend

August 26, 2023
Moon :astrology_moon: Enters Capricorn :capricorn: 9:05 am EDT - 1:05 pm UTC
Responsibilities can get more attention from you now, and you can strive to handle them well. If you feel overwhelmed, try to get a little space.

Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon: in Capricorn :capricorn:

August 27, 2023
Sun :astrology_sun: in Virgo Opposite Saturn :astrology_saturn: in Pisces :pisces: 4:28 am EDT - 8:28 am UTC
Restriction and limitation may be the concern with something in your life, and you likely need to work within the restrictions and limitations to find a solution.

Mars :astrology_mars: Enters Libra :libra: 9:20 am EDT - 1:20 pm UTC
With Mars moving into Libra, this brings more energy and drive to deal with the people in your life and with your relationships. You can feel more energized with a partner, may bring new people into your life, and strive to be more balanced and considerate.

World Time Buddy
Time and Date

Energy upgrades are continuing, with some ā€œout-of-this-world Galactic Vibes.ā€

Cleansing, healing, releasing, and renewing will continue! When Mars moves into Libra on Sunday, it will bring more balance to our lives. With Saturn aligning with Mars, some may find the energy as being heavy, while others are feeling a lighter energy! (This depends on house and planet placement in your natal chart.)

The upcoming Blue Super Full Moon will help to shake things up and also bring in some powerful energies. If youā€™ve been stuck, you may now be inspired to take action.

Enjoy your weekend and take some time to nurture your soul!

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


Goodness @marsha what would we do without you


Thank you @Nixi :hugs: :dizzy: :heart:


Thank you so much, Marsha! :heart: I hope you had a restful and nice weekend :blush:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: August 28th

Moon Phase
Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon: EarthSky

Uranus-Astrology Reading Cards

by Alison Chester-Lambert
Art by Richard Crookes

Astrology Calendar-August 28

Moon :astrology_moon: Enters Aquarius :aquarius: 10:32 am EDT - 2:32 pm UTC
Your social circle may expand, or you can give more attention to your friends or the groups you belong to. You can feel more secure with a group or with your friends.

Uranus :astrology_uranus: Retrograde Begins in Taurus :taurus: 10:39 pm EDT (29Aug23 - 2:39 am UTC)
Uranus moves backward in Taurus for the rest of 2023, and Uranus retrograde is traditionally a time when changes slow down, and you can get frustrated by this. Focus on adjusting to whatā€™s already happened and putting together plans for down the line.

Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon: in Aquarius :aquarius:

Uranus will soon be in retrograde motion, which will give us a chance to review any recent changes we have made. This is the time to ask yourself, What needs to change? You are being helped to correct or even change your direction, decisions, path, etc.

The only planet named after a Greek god (as opposed to a Roman deity), Uranus is tilted so far on its axis ā€” at 97.7 degrees, to be exact ā€” that it basically orbits sideways. This alternative spin perfectly matches its astrological symbolism: Uranus represents eccentricity, rebellion, upheaval, and raw genius. ~The Cut, by Aliza Kelly

We already have several planets in retrograde motion including Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron! As Uranus joins them, it will bring in unexpected changes for us. Some may feel the energy as heavy while others feel lighter, time can seem to be going slow or just flying by. Others may experience this as a combination of both!

You can expect the unexpected with lots of ups and downs. Sadly, I struggle with change, too many fixed signs in my natal chart! Speaking from my own experience, change is much easier when you are flexible and open to change! I know that for some of us, especially me, itā€™s easier to say than to do.

I know that ā€œChange is the only Constant!ā€ in my life, so I have a plan this timeā€¦ I will close my eyes and find peace and calm in my breath, which will help me not to overreact! Itā€™s always a choice of how we react, so if I can stop and look at the situation for a few moments, maybeā€¦ I can choose to have an unemotional response!

Thank you so much, Bry! I did sleep well, I was able to work in my magick garden, even though, it was a busy weekend!

Just breatheā€¦ and always remember to nurture your soul!

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


Iā€™m with you, Marsha- an abundance of fixed signs in my chart (and hardly any mutable to balance them!) makes it easy to fall into a routine and really hard when things get changed. Strangely, Iā€™ve found that itā€™s okay if Iā€™m the one making the changes consciously- but when itā€™s pushed on me, I really struggle with it.

Thank you so much for your positivity- reading your plan on how to accept these changes makes me want to stay optimistic about it too. Thank you for sharing your light and love! :hugs::heart:

We sure do have a lot of planets in retrograde right now! Keeping us all on our toes :sweat_smile:

That sounds like a lovely weekend! Iā€™m glad you had a good one Marsha, even if it was a busy one! Hereā€™s to hoping this week will be nice for you too- so mote it be! :heart:

Lots of love and gratitude! :pray:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: August 29th

Moon Phase
Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon: EarthSky

The Moon Priestess
by A. Andrew Gonzalez

Astrology Calendar-August 29th

Moon :astrology_moon: in Aquarius :aquarius: Square Jupiter :Jupiter: in Taurus :taurus: 11:04 pm EDT - 3:04 am UTC (29Aug2023)
Try to get some time off to relax and indulge. You may have less focus and donā€™t care much for anything strenuous.

Iā€™m late in posting today, it was a hectic, crazy day, kind of overwhelming. I did manage to remember to stop and breathe, which is always good! With Uranus retrograde and the Super Full Blue Moon tomorrow, the energy feels uncertainā€¦ like Iā€™m on the verge of something, but I am not sure what that is.

And this too will passā€¦

Itā€™s time to reclaim your power, release what no longer serves you, and take time to nurture your soul. Are you ready for the Blue moon?

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always



That energy is strong I feel. I do get goosebumps with all this energy, hopefully whatever comes your way will enrich your life. :hugs:
Blue Moon today (itā€™s Wednesday here). Will be doing my Loki ritual. Some journeying I think, who knows where Heā€™ll take me. :grin:.
Have a beautiful Blue Moon everyone. Much love :sparkling_heart:


Wooohooo! I love this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you, Marsha, and I hope everyone is having a lovely Blue Moon! :large_blue_circle: :sparkles:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: August 30th

Moon Phase
Full Moon :full_moon:

Full Moon in Pisces
Moonology Oracle, by Yasmin Boland
Art by Nyx Rowan

Astrology Calendar-August 30th

Moon :astrology_moon: Enters Pisces :pisces: 9:56 am EDT
This can be quiet energy, and you may want to get more time to yourself so you can reflect and be introspective. Donā€™t take on too much.

Full Moon :large_blue_circle: in Pisces :pisces: 9:36 pm EDT
The Pisces Full Moon is usually a time of major endings, and you can get rid of what you donā€™t need and clear the sludge energetically. You may be more connected to your intuition and subconscious, can feel more inspired, and may need more time alone to recharge.

Today is jam-packed with energy! Are you feeling it? It feels so different than the uncertainty of yesterday. What a difference one day makes.

Pisces is bringing in softer and more sensitive energy, along with elevated emotions! The energy will feel stronger for us than usual because itā€™s a Super Full Moon, which means itā€™s closest to Earth. The veil is thinning, so intuition is strong. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, itā€™s a sign of completion of one cycle and making reading for new beginnings.

While Mercury is retrograde, mishaps, delays, confusion, miscommunication, etc., are possible! With the added influence of Saturn, the master teacher, also in Pisces, tough lessons are possible. With so much retrograde energy, we will be looking back and reflecting. If everything around you feels muddled, then it is time to go within and listen to your inner healer. Be gentle and caring with yourself.

We are all going through a transformation of our soul, not only on a personal level but on a collective level as well! We are still letting go, releasing, clearing, healing, and changing direction or starting something totally different.

Thereā€™s Magick in the Air! Itā€™s all around us, can you feel it?

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


Yep, can definitely feel it! Lots of energy swirling about & all around. Looking forward to seeing what the changes bring us all!
With light, love & magical energy :blue_heart:


Blue Moon, Blue Moon! :partying_face: :large_blue_circle: :pisces: :sparkles:

You always manage to balance valuable guidance with warmth and care- your messages are so beautifully written, Marsha! When I read them I get the sense that, no matter what happens, things are going to work out and be okay. I really enjoy reading your energy reports! :people_hugging: :heart:

Lots of love- hope you had/are having a lovely Blue Moon! :blue_heart:


Thank you, I really needed this reminderā€¦ not getting a response to a particular message I put a lot of myself in poked an old wound, and I dreamed of abandonment all nightā€¦ I know it was definitely a miscommunication and getting overly attached from my side, but the feelings donā€™t know that. Somehow it helps looking at the stars, and seeing that configuration that would explain my vulnerability.