No matter which way Mercury is going, we’re here for you Dear
Thank you love, I appreciate it
Mystic Magick
August 31st
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Blue Moon
by Yasmin Boland, Hay House-Facebook
Astrology Calendar for August 31st
Moon in Pisces
Opposite Mercury
in Virgo
3:29 pm EDT - 7:29 pm UTC
It may be difficult to focus your mind, and you may have too much swirling through your head. Try to focus on something that can burn up some of that mental energy.
The ‘blue moon’ won’t be the only rare sight in the night sky this week
Both of the full moons in August can be considered supermoons, according to EarthSky. Definitions of a supermoon can vary, but the term generally denotes a full moon that is closer to Earth than normal and thus appears larger and brighter in the night sky. The moon will be 222,043 miles (357,344 kilometers) away from Earth, nearly 18,000 miles (28,968 kilometers) closer than its average distance. Some astronomers say the phenomenon occurs when the moon is within 90% of perigee — its closest approach to Earth in orbit. ~by Ashley Strickland, CNN
I went outside last night to enjoy some Full Super Blue Moon Magick and It was enchanting, so big and very bright… beautiful! My first thought was it was bigger and brighter than I had ever seen it before! I did try to take a picture but it appeared in the sky directly above the street lights, so that didn’t work out very well. There was too much city light interference. There were some wispy clouds in the sky and they seemed to move in quickly and obscured the view. Even so, the energy was still very powerful!
The proximity of the Moon is much closer than normal, so we will continue to have this energy coming in for a couple of days! Which is good, if you didn’t craft some magick last night, you can still do so. With the Moon in Pisces, which is a very psychic sign, you can tap into the intuitive energy by using any divination method you prefer, such as Tarot Cards, Scrying, etc.
Mercury in Virgo is retrograde and in opposition to the Piscean Super Full Blue Moon, so you can expect emotions to be elevated. We are being helped now with releasing the emotional pain, and trauma from the past. I know this process is not easy, I’m going through it too! If all of this seems overwhelming, or you are feeling desperate, visualize that, you are the Phoenix rising from the ashes!
It’s important to slow down and be still… be open to new changes occurring. Look ahead and trust that something better is coming in! Make space for who you are becoming, and don’t let your old stories hold you back.
With Magickal Energy
“It’s important to slow down and be still… be open to new changes occurring. Look ahead and trust that something better is coming in! Make space for who you are becoming, and don’t let your old stories hold you back.”
I love every word of this. Thank you for your wonderful insights, @marsha
I love this- I’m tucking it away in my heart to carry around with me today
Thank you so much, Marsha- lots of love and gratitude to you!
The Mystic Magick Energy Report September 2023 is currently up & running!