Mystic Magic
Energy Report September 2023
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How much longer before you revel in the awareness that you are enough, that you’ve done enough, and that you’re worthy of your heart’s greatest desires? What has to happen for you to give this to yourself? ~Mike Dooley, The Universe
Are sensitive to energy or just want to learn more? I have created Mystic Magick to explore how energy affects all of us, and I would love to hear from you! Your thoughts, comments, and questions are very welcome here!
There’s energy all around us all the time. In fact, everything is energy! Magick is energy, thoughts and even words have energy!
So how does energy affect us? Are you sensitive to energy? Do you sometimes hear a ringing in one ear or hear a low hum? Are you unable to sleep and don’t know why? Do you have sudden headaches with no explanation? Are you really tired some days even though you had a good night’s sleep? Do you feel spacey? And what about those goosebumps?
With love and magick
The Other Marsha