No time alone ! Help!

I hope your son is having a nice start to the school year and enjoying his classes :books::blush: I can imagine you are one very busy mother, @sheena! No wonder you are experiencing some fatigue. I would recommend the same strategies listed above- about trying to carve out time for yourself to rest and recover. Using the Inner Temple strategy, and perhaps also trying some journaling and meditation? :open_book: :woman_in_lotus_position:

Journalling is a great way to organize your thoughts and spend some relaxing and rejuvenating time in your own mind. There is actually a brand new Spells8 course Book of Mirrors: The Witches’ Development Journal that talks more about the benefits of journaling and how it can help your practice :blue_book:

Meditating is a great way to enhance your practice- you could even do a meditation on the Goddess to help you connect with Her! :woman_in_lotus_position:. Meditating has a host of mental and health benefits too- altough it can be tricky to get started. Here are few resources in the forums that might inspire you!

Good luck, Sheena! I hope you can find a way to practice while balancing (and maybe even helping) your fatigue! Blessed be :sparkling_heart: