November 16th is Hecate's Night

@BryWisteria, I think I am going to look into that part about them. It would be interesting to see what’s out there about it!


I have heard this origin on several sites.


@BryWisteria Thank you for this information. I had not heard about the 30th being her night at the crossroads. I had read in many places about Friday the 13th being her day as well. I honor her every Saturday in some way. And I’ve began including her in my nightly gratitude with the Horned God and Lady.
Seems I’m constantly learning more and more about her and that’s awesome.


Very nice bit of information @anon87969570, thanks so much!


I had no idea that Hecates night was on November 16

I was just wondering you said that one would use Sympathetic magic :sparkles: I know when I used the poppet it was Sympathetic magic :sparkles: How are you going to honor her at the crossroads?
I would love to hear your emphasis! And thank you for your wisdom! I was thinking of making a her a nice offering like a dish that is yummy :yum:! But I am not sure yet!


Thank you for this article I find it will help me prepare!


I just have to say that I love how you wrote this, Celestia- all the more power to these darker/“bad girl” deities and those that find strength with them! :black_heart:

Wishing the same to you- have a blessed Hekate’s Night! :blush::old_key:

Same here- I’m very interested as well! :star_struck: If any recorded ties do exist, I imagine they would be buried in the history books. But there are always curious surprises when learning about deities- I feel like we find the things They want us to find :wink:

Good luck in your studies- if you find anything, please feel free to share! :heart:

You’re very welcome, Rowan- and you’re not alone! I’m constantly learning new things (or overwriting things I thought I knew haha) from what folks here in the forum share. Learning keeps life exciting :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :books:


I’m not sure what if anything I’ll do. I don’t feel called to Hecate but it would be nice to do something anyways. The problem is I can’t get to the crossroads. Besides that, the closest crossroads is in front of the high schools and has cameras. I’m sure they’d love to get a picture of some fat chick on a rollator at night doing spells. LOL.

Actually, I’m thinking of getting a bulb of garlic and roasting it in her honor. Since they don’t make garlic incense. LOL.


A quick search reveals that many people do use their driveways. But if mobility is an issue, roasting garlic in Her honor is not only acceptable, the Hekate I know would be probably be delighted by the effort and intention.


Thank you! I’m glad you think she’d like that!


I found this video on You tube tonight while journaling and feeling like studying Hecate a bit more.
It is an interesting watch and I liked the accent of the presenter. Thought I’d share it in case anyone wanted to see it.

Blessed Be,


@Rowan Thanks for sharing. There’s a wealth of knowledge in that video. and I agree! I like the way he pronounces HEHKAT!


Yay! It arrived today!

So excited to read it. Just in time for Hecate’s night!

Very Happy 50th Birthday to you @Valen! :blush::gift::tada:

(Technically it is Tuesday the 16th November right now here in Australia :heard_and_mc_donald_islands::blush:)


I know, I need to stop with the pendants but I could not resist this. When I wear them, I feel “accompanied” in a way that is empowering – literally, I have more energy and take more initiative. This one came all the way from Portugal and arrived today just in time for Hekate’s night. It was packaged with a poem. Here is the Etsy link (it was less than $10)

Wheel of Hecate
Hearling the sound of barking
Earns the quickening of my pulse.
Kindred energy blows in the breeze,
Attracting the smoke of time.
Tender with the strength of oxen,
Elegance within the beauty of her fire.

I see Her standing at the crossroads,
Staring, with her key in her hand.

Her whispers, through my lips,
Enter the breath of my soul.
Reciting the mysteries of magic,
Everlasting is the power of her names.
– Melissa Rodgers


@mary25 Absolutely beautiful!


What a beautiful pendant and poem! Thanks for sharing it with us!


@jessica72 Perfect timing for the book to arrive! Hope you enjoy it :grinning:Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!


Happy Birthday :birthday: @Valen! I hope you have a great day & light surrounds you. :star2:

Please feel free to share your activities/experiences from this night here! :sunglasses: I look forward to seeing how everyone chooses to spend tonight.


@Valen Happy birthday :tada::balloon::birthday:. Hope you have a magical night


Thank you @Susurrus and @crystal24 !! Still working on writing tonight’s ritual, lol! I’ll either sort it out or let the moment dictate. I’ve been thinking about acknowledging the relationship of birth to death; how one is the door to the other and it’s Hekate who holds the key. Just need a more poetic way to phrase it :thinking: