Last night when going to bed, I asked Hekate how I could honor her on her special night, using my tarot deck. The answer was pretty much: don’t worry about it, just go to sleep! In the morning I had the answer, and I also wanted to thank her for the best sleep I got in a long time!
I had bought a small antique key in her name before, and it’s been something I’ve carried with me for protection, squeezing it in my pocket has reminded me that I am a witch and I’m not alone, and I can handle whatever comes my way.
In a dream I had that key and I was spinning a thread around it in a particular way, from the end that goes into the lock to the one you hold in your hand, two threads splitting and then joining back together at the center. I repeated the motions while awake, and my intuition told me to add a hair from my head to the handle too, intertwining with the black sewing thread which I see both symbolizing the thread of fate and a hair from Her lovely head.
To make it a proper talisman I also wanted to consecrate it, and for that I created a recipe for an oil. I used these resources to come up with it
Magical Anointment Oil
Essential Oil Correspondences | Sacred Wicca
Here is my recipe:
1 oz (28 ml) Carrier Oil (I used olive oil)
3 drops Cinnamon (spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity)
3 drops Myrrh (spiritual opening, healing, blessing of talismans)
3 drops Lemon (cleansing, spiritual opening, purification, and removal of blockages)
2 drops Geranium (overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes, lifting spirits, promoting protection & happiness, protection from psychic attacks)
2 drops Frankincense (successful ventures, cleansing, purification, manifestation, consecration, spirituality)
I mixed the oil in a small jar for spices I found in my cupboard which was perfect for the occasion
On my altar I lit a black candle, put the key in the jar and sealed it, shaked it gently and said a prayer
Great Hekate, mother of witches
Queen of the night
With this key blessed in your name
I thank you for opening the doors to greater understanding
And closing the ones that lead to harm
Both in the worlds without and within
In darkness and light
You keep me safe in your arms
I tried to blow out the candle but it didn’t quite go out… then I added some more words including thanking her for the sleep, and then she allowed me to extinguish it!