Numerology & Good/bad numbers

My SO mentioned wanting our marriage date to be of some significance. Either with the planets/cosmos, numbers, and he said something else that I am totally blanking on lol.

Is anyone here familiar with Numerology and could possibly lend some insight? :smiley:


Yes, I got married on September 1st. As a general rule, days 1 and 9 of every month are the best dates to get married for all persons born on any date. - Source

But you can use your date of birth and Numerology to choose the perfect date of marriage. :ring:

Step 1: Calculate the destiny number of the groom and bride and add them together.

To find the destiny number, add up the digits in the date of birth to get the last and final single digit number.

For example, if the groom is born on 24/10/1995, get the destiny number in the following steps:

2+4+1+0+1+9+9+5 = 31
3+1 = 4

The destiny number of the groom is 4

In the same way, add up the digits in the brideā€™s date of birth and get the single digit number.

Step 2: The sum of the groom and brideā€™s destiny numbers will give you the combined destiny number of the couple to decide the date of marriage.

Say the destiny number of the groom is 4 and the destiny number of the bride is 2. Then the combined destiny number is 4 + 2 = 6.

Step 3: Based on the combined destiny number, here is how to decide the best date of marriage according to Times of India:

Avoid marriage on these dates: never schedule the marriage on dates that have destiny numbers 4, 5, 8. Numerology says 5 is the worst destiny number for a marriage date.


Thank you so much @Francisco!!

This is exactly the kind of information I have been searching for!!!


Iā€™m glad it helped you! Let us know what date you picked!!


this is so cool, thank you for sharing. I just added up the day we got married and came out with a one.


This is fascinating!!! :star_struck: Ohhh wow, Iā€™ll have to add up the destiny numbers for my partner and I and see what we get! :open_book::+1:

Iā€™m not very familiar with numerology, but I know that certain cultures have superstitions about some numbers. For example, the number 13 is usually considered to be unlucky in the US. In parts of Asia, the number 4 is considered to be very unlucky, as four can be pronounced as ę­» shi (at least in Japanese) which is also the word for death. Itā€™s interesting that this is a cursed number for several cultures, and is also a destiny number to avoid when scheduling big occasions!

I found a an article that talks about Unlucky Numbers Around the World, if anyone is interested in this subject!


For @janelle, chose a date that has special meaning to you and your partner (and avoid any dates that have a negative connotation for you both!)- I am sure that your wedding day will be full of good luck and beautiful memories for all! :sparkling_heart: :blush:


I just did my numerology chart. I believe my life path number is a 6. I know that if I put them together, there are 5 of them that go in my chart, you have the code to unlock my computer & phone, but Iā€™ll be damned if I remember their meaning. I just liked how they went together at the time. Now that I have it printed out & in my BOS, I can read up on it. I just printed it this past week to learn about. I know there is an app too for Android, I think it is called, Numerology. It will tell you about crystals and colors for the day.


I am a life path 6 as well! :smiley:


Mines is
1/2 is my number
This is really great :blush:
Blessed be


I pulled my numerology report and it is really interesting. It even goes into some items about letters. I know that I have a few 6s in my numerology chart. So I will have to see what it says about me. I got busy yesterday after I did it & couldnā€™t really dive into it.

You could pull your report at Free Numerology Report @Jeannie1


I tried to use this but when I used this,

It told me my destiny number is 11, and thatā€™s not there. I guess I use 2? :thinking:

My partner and I got married on a day whose number means ā€œI love youā€ (5/20), so I guess itā€™s a bit too late to be thinking about this. But itā€™s interesting, anyway. :smile:

ę­» is sĒ in Chinese and the same. :smile: Well, itā€™s where the Japanese got the word from, so I guess it would be. But you know what I mean. :laughing:


11 in numerology is a Master # so you are correct that it woud break down to 2. However, its a higher vibration of 2.

In Numerology, there are such things as Master Numbers that are noted, and these are the numbers 11 and 22 . Essentially, the number 11 is a 2, but it is considered a higher vibration of the number 2. Similarly, the number 22 is a 4, but it is a higher vibration of the number 4. Cafe Astrology Numerology


Iā€™m going to have to investigate these further. Iā€™d never seen something like this before. :thinking:

The 11 is the energy you are trying to master:

  1. Your a wise old soul - living on a higher plane intellectually and spiritually
  2. Full of life and charisma
  3. Idea come and go constantly - inventor, artistic, see beauty in everything
  4. Visionary
  5. Guided by intuition and revelations
  6. The 11 is masculine
  7. Psychic information just flows through you giving you knowings. It is said you have one foot in heaven and one foot on earth and receiving what you need when you need it. Allot of times you donā€™t feel like you driving your own bus, it goes where it needs to go.
  8. Fame

The 2 is the lower energy of the master number.

  1. You look for peace and harmony
  2. Love of details and organization
  3. Patience and understanding with those around you
  4. Your tactful and diplomatic
  5. Highly intuitive number
  6. The observer
  7. 2 is feminine

I have destiny number 22 :flushed:

Your desire is to master business; to analyze and develop the highest form of service to mankind. Your ability to maintain a clear focus allows you to concentrate well, thus producing results on a worldwide scale.


I did it and I love the numerology that was really nice lots of reading and some of it seems pretty accurate!


Nope, doesnā€™t resonate with you at all. Not one bit. :joy:

Iā€™m just gonna sit here all smug and be like, ā€œtold ya so ā€“ destined for great things.ā€ :black_heart:


Hmmā€¦ my destiny number is 3. My partnerā€™s is 6. So, our destiny number together is 9! We arenā€™t married yet, but weā€™ve been together for 15 years this year (our anniversary is actually Thursday :joy:) so if we ever do get married, I suppose any day of 9, 18, or 27 would work!


Make it september just to be safe :rofl:


Oh, the number for this date was 5. It was 20 May 2023ā€¦

Well, our relationship has only improved sinceā€¦ So, Iā€™m not worrying. :smile: :black_heart:


We are trying to wedding this year around OCT. But me and my bf both have 33 for life path number. They said 33 also master number in numerology. So Our destiny number is 3? We picked Oct 22.2024.