October 2022 All about pets and animals

Your pets sound so adorable!!! I am so sorry for the loss of the other canary and tropical fish! It is always sad when we lose our pets.

Omg, the pregnant cat is so funny! I hope she pays some bills! LOL. Thank you so much for telling me about your pets! Tell them I say hi!!! :slight_smile:


Hi @Garnet!!! Your cats sound sooo cute!!! :slight_smile: I hope Max feels better!! (He will be the bestest of Pirates!!!) Omg, they called Amy Anne “Frankenkitten”?? Amy Anne fits her much better!!! She sounds like she is an absolute beauty!!! My Shadow can be a bully, so I definitely understand when kitties can be bullies LOL. Mr. Grey sounds sooo adorable, same with Tippy and Radar!!! Your cats sound so adorable and sweet!!! I have to keep my altart stuff up myself when I am home at my parent’s house. Shadow likes to walk on my altar, knock stuff down, and rub up against spell jars :rofl:

Thank you so much for sharing, and blessed be!!!


Hi @Amaris_Bane!!! Cobalt, Wilson, Lord Nibbler, Bender, and Harry Spotter are soooooo freaking adorable!!! :heart: I am so glad that Wilson and Colbalt are in a good home!! They deserve all of the hugs and kisses!!! I am so glad Lord Nibbler was able to be nursed back to health!!! (tell him I bow down to his highly kindness) Omg!! Bender acts like my Shadow in the morning!!! If Shadow could eat the whole family, he would! LOL Harry is such so cute!!! I am sure he does an amazing job at watching!!

Thank you so much for sharing!!! :slight_smile:


Hi @SpanishWitchy!!! Neo is soo cute!!! I am so sorry that he had such a hard life in the beginning! I am so glad that he found you and that he is in a great and loving home!!! He is such a handsome little man!!! He is so adorable!! I am so glad he is a playful pupper!! That is so adorable that he noseboops the Goddess!! That is so cute!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! :slight_smile:


Your welcome! I mean i have a feeling she will end up having birth here. If she does i will confront the neighbor nicely and if she is a stray and is not their cat i will go get her check by a vet to see if she has a chip and if she is no ones i will adopt her i guess. I do not honestly think she is a stray as she is way to friendly… But she loves my kitten’s company until they come to close then they get a few paw slaps lol


I have 4 dogs and 1 cat :slight_smile:

and I volunteer at a doggo rescue! I do all their social media and help with events. We just did a Halloween photo fundraising event and raised over $600!

Here are some of the photos I captured during that event.


Your furry friends are adorable! :dog: :cat: And how kind that you volunteer with the rescue too! You’ve really got talent with the camera- I bet showing them in such beautiful ways helps the puppers find wonderful new homes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


OK everyone, let’s see those halloween and Samhain pet pics!!! Mine look like I tortured them, and they wouldn’t leave them on! My lion and lioness……


My pupper is not a fan of people dressed up coming to the door or that Dad & I were dressed up… so he got overwhelmed & spent the night in the adjustable bed with the TV on Halloween movies (Nightmare Before Christmas :jack_o_lantern: :rofl:) & my fleece witchy blanket. :rofl: Big toughie pibble… snuggling with a fleece blanket on a queen size bed with 2 stuffed gnomes watching movies :joy:

He wasn’t happy that I was dressed up & had a mask on top of my head… he was very upset that I went out this year. :joy:


Awwww sweet Pibble :orange_heart:


He is not a fan of Halloween decorations that flash or make noise… so we have to close the blinds & curtains & keep our TV on with his stuffies & blankies in a nest so he will fall asleep & not pay attention to knocks on the door or the skeleton animals going off when people walk by… he gets all the lovings :heartpulse: & good boy :dog: treats when we go check on him :heart_eyes:

He has never liked shadows, like if it’s night & we turn out the lights so he can’t really see the person or if they are wearing a hat or hoodie/hood of some kind. If he can’t see your face he gets noisy until one of us tells him that it’s okay. If he can see your face, you could steal my TV & the couch he’s on… he’d be like… oh mobile TV… & back to sleep :rofl: (So I mean maybe I broke him? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

(I will absolutely admit that our relationship has changed into something amazing :star_struck: & that I also tend to unintentionally “spoil” :woman_shrugging: him"…)


Awwww so cute :heart_eyes: that is lovely dear, so glad there are people out the like you to help our furry friends :relaxed:


Awwww so cute! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my kittens are the same hate the Ange an bat wings I got. Don’t blame them doesn’t look comfortable even though it was made for cats…


The face on this baby though…. #mitten


Oh my, the sweetness! Cats fascinate me & they each have their own unique personality :heart_eyes:


This discussion has closed as October has come to an end- thank you for sharing your seasonal pet pictures! :dog: :cat: :heart: