Welcome to the site & forum! I’m Siofra_Strega a moderator here in the forum. As @marsha suggested the courses are a great place to start. There are many topics to get you started & you can either continue lesrning about or decide if it fits into your practice. Once you’ve gone through them, you can search the forum for further information & ask any questions that you may have.
Everyone here is friendly & helpful, someone is going to ve along to help you or get you pointed in the right direction.
We love to learn new things & you will find that we have quite a few members with similar gifts or clairs.
Growing up I had similar feelings of not fitting in anywhere. Im a highly sesitive Empath & currently learning how to trust my intuition & adjust to my gifts in a better way.
@Mistress_Of_Herbs is really a gift to the coven with her recipes & knowledge. I have worked with her to come up with roller oils for my daughter & hwr friends along with my daughter’s best friend’s mother. They have each come out beautifully & I add my own touches to them to create a personal connection to each one for them.
She has a running post Recipes by the Mistress of Herbs… whenever she poats a new recipe, it will get added to her master post
Do you have any other specific interests? We may have some information or a course on them. Or even someone that knows a bit & will be able to help you out.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share information with us, or jump in on any open topic . I look forward to getting to know you. ;?