Oracle and tarot sets

I think printing the cards is not the way to go.
I wanted to print my mah Jongh cards, the cheapest set on eBay starts at £40.00
The cards are really thin, but after all these years still in excellent conditio.
I have a different way to shuffle my cards, and I believe, causes minimal damage.
I lay them on the table and with both hands move them around.
If I read reversed cards, it’s a great way to get lots.
In the mag Jong cards, must form a circle and display 13 cards inside it.
The middle card represents the question.
Reading anticlockwise from East to North.
If at anytime, a card shows a god or a flower, must pic a card from the circle.
There is a set on eBay in full Chinese.
No bad priced. No bothered with the book, just the cards. It could be a nice investment too.
I read chakra and crystal oracle’s last night, and gave good advice.
Must get out of the shell and believe in myself.
Also watched a clip about red & blue lines in my chart. To heal the relation between father and son.
Very basic, but interesting.
Tempted to start this astrology course, not cheap though.


Would like to have a go at a drawing course, if decide to make my own oracle.
There are already many good ones out there, but always room for one more.
Besides anything handmade gets charged with positive energies.
That’s what I believe.
One of the cards advice was, stop dreaming and get hands on!
And same for Fearless Tarot book.
As Spaniards say,: ¡“Cuando el rio suena, agua lleva”!:heart::revolving_hearts::two_hearts:


You can also check our Ali Express AliExpress - Online Shopping for Popular Electronics, Fashion, Home & Garden, Toys & Sports, Automobiles and More. It’s out of china and sometime the shipping time is absurd. But on the plus side the cards are reasonable, shipping not bad. Negative side on some decks you need to download instructions. (free, but can be a Pain) :scream: :scream:


I live in England, overseas shipping charges gone outrageously high after Brexit!:thinking::blush:


I’m ignorant, what is Brexit?


Not you not.
United Kingdom divorcing from Europe.
Finally it happened!
Bye bloody bye Belgium and Germany rules.
Two fingers to euro currency!


How about that.


There are other countries in same predicament. Even Germany is getting sour.
If Euro stands a chance to make it in the future, they will have to empower the currency and change a few rules.:pray:

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You are right

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@AliceInWonderdab that looks like a beautiful deck! Enjoy it and may it bring you love and light.


It’s ridiculous~a lot of the shops aren’t even able to ship to the UK right now :tired_face:

Sorry about the shipping concerns, @AliceInWonderdab, @Basil, and any other friends in the UK. I feel your pain- I’m in Poland and ordering from my favorite shops in the UK has become quite the challenge as of late :cry: :package:

Not sure which astrology course you are looking at @Basil, but maybe I can offer some other options for you! :mag_right:

All of the Zodiac information on Spells8 is free (as long as you are logged in!) and Cafe Astrology has heaps of wonderful content available for the public. If you like reading, the Studies in Astrology books (10 volumes) by Elman Bacher are available free online through the Rosicrucian Library :books:

Perhaps by using the free resources you can save some funds- more money for your wonderful oracle and tarot deck collections! :blush::money_with_wings:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


@BryWisteria & @AliceInWonderdab : while I was in Spain, my glucose meter stopped working. 50 strips(a month supply or less)without prescription cost €40.
In Spain they work with a different glucose model, therefore my regular strips didn’t work.
I bought on eBay some boxes that work out cheaper.
I asked my partner to place 150 strips in one envelope, to reduce shipping cost.
To date, haven’t arrived. List €60 worth, could be more though!:sob:
A Christmas card sent in December, arrived 2 months later.
Postal system in UK and Spain is joke.
And don’t get me started on delays, blaming Brexit or COVID. Christ on a stick!
Are you running a company or what?
Customers pay your bleeding wages, do something!
After years without a printer, I decided to purchase a refill one, to save on cartridge waste and extortionate price.
Epsom company took longer than a month to deliver the ink.
No following up. Had to contact them.
They were sitting pretty! A large company unable to stock up and could not foresee what COVID & Brexit could cause?
They sent original and replacement following week, but damaged was done.
An eBay seller with much lower price, sent it in less than a week.
And what pisses me off if the constant feedback request.
Have you done something to deserve it?, NO!. You just done your job. What d’you expect a round of applause?
Bunch of cowboys!:scream::cowboy_hat_face::pray:




Astrólogo (CHI)


He highly recommends “Bach Flowers”.

Pity is not in English!

It’s very entertaining. I favour visual information over written, I can be very slow absorbing information. Need my time chewing and make changes to my stablished believes.
I can get on people’s nerves more often than not.
Learnt last night about Neptune in Scorpio, and the relation with number 7.
Thanks for pointing out different options, will look into it.


MY gosh, what kind of glucometer do you use?

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@basil I hadn’t heard of them before, but now that I have I will look into their work!

Thanks @walter – I just have to wait for it to arrive as I pre-ordered it and they’re not ready yet :cry:

I wanted to put a word of caution here with using sites like Ali Express and Wish to get oracle and tarot decks. A majority of the time, these decks are fraudulent and counterfeit. I have soon the Moonology deck on Wish, for example, going for less than half the price of the deck from the creator. I know these things can get expensive, but I don’t want to condone the piracy of tarot decks, oracle decks, or even books. (Not saying you do either, just putting this out there in general :hugs: )


I have used this oracle for many years. Somehow different to Tarot, meaning and layout.
The cards are too flimsy, need great care handling.
Once you become proficient, can move to the real mahjongg tiles.
Just bought one!
Minimum 4 players, but can be played by 1 too.
Hope gives my brain a good quick!:rofl:


Can I book you for Friday?
Would love to hear a different point of view .thanks


Not to worry, most people get tired of me after awhile. Smile pretty and be blessed.


I dare to say those people are not worth your time.
Bless you