Rune reading help!

Hi! I know that it really depends on you & your journey & the following rune information is for guidance & not necessarily advice from myself. They should help you figure out how the runes have laid out your answer based on your specific question, circumstances, & layout.

Hagalaz :haglaz:

Hagalaz - 9th Rune of the Elder Futhark 1st Rune of Heimdall’s Aett :haglaz:

Raidho :raido:

Raidho 5th Rune of the Elder Futhark & Freya’s Aett

Nauthiz :naudiz:

Naudhiz/Nauthiz - 10th Rune of the Elder Futhark & 2nd in Heimdall’s Aett :naudiz:

I hope this helps, I linked back to the posts because they contain much more information than the basics that I shared. Correspondences or Tarot Cards, Chakras, and things like that, are also associated with these runes.

Girls’ night out sounds like a lot of fun! I should look into one of those :thinking: