Hi! I know that it really depends on you & your journey & the following rune information is for guidance & not necessarily advice from myself. They should help you figure out how the runes have laid out your answer based on your specific question, circumstances, & layout.
Brightstave/Upright: A change or transformation of your life situation. Perhaps crisis or trauma in the offing. The source of this impetus probably will come from beyond your present consciousness. Be prepared for crisis. This rune indicates self-ordering & inner harmony based on mythic models. (This is the only preparation possible) Seek to develop pure, crystalline ideals or principles. If change is undertaken from the impetus of crisis, a good outcome can be expected.
Hagalaz - 9th Rune of the Elder Futhark 1st Rune of Heimdall’s Aett
An ordered change is indicated. Ordered ethical deeds are necessary. This requires planning, preparation, & good judgment, however. Action is necessary. Gain experience in the “outside world”. A journey or change in a domestic situation is in the offing. Logical matters may become a concern. Justice may be expected. Make use of reason & counsel.
Raidho 5th Rune of the Elder Futhark & Freya’s Aett
Overall Meanings/Keyword(s): Principle of resistance or friction in the Universe. The source is outside the individual’s control. The principle of the chain of causality – cause & effect. The root principle of action-reaction in a chain of events. In the darkness & cold of the need rune, the for fire is realized, but the fire must be generated from what you have within yourself. Thus the need-fire is kindled to banish distress.
Fate is determined externally & internally. To realize the highest achievements & truths, burn away that which is tethered to you by no will of your own. Heavy shadows must be recognized, rectified, & released before the ties to the material realm are severed.
Hardship in form of needs not being met may be experiencing hardship that limits your ability to move forward. A strong desire that is impossible to fulfill. Lack of resources.
Treat the situation as a period of learning & the opportunity to strengthen resilience. Don’t allow bitterness, worry, or despair to get the best of you. Needs & limitations are necessary for growth.
You’d never learn or accomplish anything if the things were handed to you and readily available.
Brightstave/Upright: Recognition of need leads to appropriate action to alleviate distress. Stress is turned to strength through consciousness. Resistance to the will. Crisis forces original thought & self-reliance. A change leads to salvation within the self.
Merkstave/Reversed: External circumstances constrain freedom. Beware a hostile enviornonment. Your will is being resisted. The toilsome aspects of life are grinding & outer relationships =. You are overly directed towards outer things – turn within. Blockage of the Nauthiz leads to a lack of dynamic tension in life. There is danger of being seduced to the easy path. Result is personal atrophy.
Naudhiz/Nauthiz - 10th Rune of the Elder Futhark & 2nd in Heimdall’s Aett
I hope this helps, I linked back to the posts because they contain much more information than the basics that I shared. Correspondences or Tarot Cards, Chakras, and things like that, are also associated with these runes.
Girls’ night out sounds like a lot of fun! I should look into one of those