Shooting Star Symbolism: Signs, Messages, and Mystical Meanings

Have you ever been lucky enough to take a picture of a shooting star?

It’s a lot easier during a meteor shower when these celestial streaks light up the sky.

Click to find out when is the next meteor shower
Meteor Shower Peak Month(s)
Quadrantids Early January
Lyrids Late April
Perseids August
Orionids October
Geminids December
Ursids Late December

Meteor Showers in 2025 - American Meteor Society

A “shooting star” is the popular, common name for what astronomers call a meteor, a piece of cosmic debris burning up in Earth’s atmosphere. But in spiritual and cultural traditions, a falling star is more than just space dust; it’s a sign, a message, a moment of magic.

Seeing a Shooting Star: What Does It Mean?

Across different cultures and mystical traditions, shooting stars have long been seen as omens, messengers, and even the souls of the departed.

Shooting star symbolism

A Wish-Granting Moment :glowing_star:

The old belief of making a wish on a shooting star stems from the idea that such rare celestial events create a moment where the veil between worlds is thin.

A Message from the Departed :eye:

Ancient Egyptians saw stars as the souls of the dead, residing among the deities. A falling star could signify a spirit reaching out, guiding or watching over you. If you want to honor that presence, see this Spell for a Dead Loved One for a meaningful ritual.

Excerpt from the book Japanese Mythology and the Primeval World

A Death Omen? :skull:

In some European folklore, each person has a star in the sky that is lit at birth and falls when they die. A shooting star was sometimes seen as an indicator of a recent or upcoming death.

From the book After Life in Roman Paganism

Why Do I Keep Seeing Shooting Stars?

If you’ve been seeing them often, consider:

  • Are you at a crossroads? Shooting stars are often associated with transitions and big life changes.
  • Are you seeking answers? They can be an encouragement to trust your inner wisdom.
  • Are you in need of protection? Some beliefs hold that shooting stars ward off negative energy and bring divine guidance.

If you find yourself frequently witnessing other rare celestial signs—like a ring around the moon or ‘moon dogs’—you might be on a path where the universe is actively sending messages your way. Curious about lunar halos and moon dogs? Check out Seeing a Ring Around the Moon (or Moon Dogs) to learn more about these atmospheric wonders.

On a similar note, seeing a shooting star alone could indicate you’re entering a period of heightened awareness and transformation.

Leonid Meteor Shower over Niagara Falls - Anonymous, 1892

Seeing a shooting star is more than just a beautiful moment—it’s a reminder that the universe is vast, mysterious, and full of magic. Whether you take it as a wish-granting moment, a time for a meteor showers ritual, a spiritual sign, or an omen, trust your intuition and how the experience feels to you.

Have you ever had a meaningful encounter with a shooting star? Drop your experiences below! :shooting_star::sparkles:


I have not! That would be an amazing to capture!

My mother and grandmother were particularly fond of wishing on shooting stars (as well the wishing on the first star at night, and wishing after counting 10 white horses seen on road trips) and I’ve kept the habit.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful post! :dizzy:


My birthday is right after the Perseid meteor shower. I have often considered the celestial event to be the Creator’s gift to me each year. When I go out to watch, though, I don’t plan on making wishes. Instead, it is a time for me to chat with my deities, express my concerns and hopes, and dissolve in tears when I need emotional release. I tend to see shooting stars as the Creator’s version of celebratory fireworks.