I have noticed several people in our wonderful coven have mentioned they are having trouble sleeping. I have a few things I use that help greatly! My daughter also uses them for her 4 children and it really helps to calm them and put them to sleep at night.
Peaceful Dreams Oil
I use this every night, and so do my grandkids.
I use a roller bottle but any bottle or jar will work for this.
20 drops Lavender EO
10 drops Calendula EO
Fill jar with your choose of carrier oil. I use olive oil.
Run a little on each temple and then go across the forehead from temple to temple.
Ward Off Nightmares
Bag or pouch if your choice
Put equal amounts of the following herbs in the bag
Dill Seed
Put the bag under your pillow before bed.
Sweet Dreams Pillow
Bag or pouch of your choice
Add the following herbs in equal amounts to the bag
Holy Basil
Put the bag under your pillow at night just before going to bed.
I use the sweet dreams pillow every night. If I start to have nightmares I will put the nightmares bag under there with it.
I hope this helps my poor coven family that is having sleeping issues!
I do have sleep issues intermittently. Amazingly I slept until 6:30 this AM. I haven’t done that in a long time.
I think I will make up the oil first for sleeping. I am a big fan of essential oils and making different oils, diffusers, and perfumes. Thank you so much!
Oh my goodness! You are a blessing! I will definitely try these! I have been having terrible pain in my back and right hip plus sciatic nerve pain. Not to mention I deal with anxiety and depression on a daily basis. Thank you so much for sharing!
Glad I could help! I have a post on here for migraine oil as well. I actually use it on my shoulders when my fibromyalgia is flaring there and it eases the pain.
You’re a hero, Mystique - thank you for sharing these remedies!
I’m adding in a second vote for the sweet dreams pillow. I use all lavender or switch the holy basil for chamomile in the ones I have here, but they all work wonders. Never fails to help me get to sleep
Thanks again, Mystique - and wishing the same! Hope everyone can get some good rest
Oh, I do love the roller bottles, as mentioned previously and remembered that we do have a collection of recipes that cover pain, migraines, possibly sleep… Hmmm…
We can add your recipes to it and rename the thread. They are similar to other recipes in the forum or spells for similar things. So maybe if we add them to the collection, we would have more options when making something up that will help ease whatever discomfort someone may be having.
Let me know if you want them added to the recipe collections post!
That sounds lovely! I’m going to try these as well! Thank you for sharing them!
Sure! You can add them in if you want. I haven’t seen her collection of recipes. Thank you for sharing that with me! I’m definitely going to check it out!
Hi I just wanted to let you know that your recipes for this thread have been added to the recipe collection. Thank you so much!
I was working on my altar candled while putting my room back together. I almost started another project to make a roller bottle, but then decided against it because I have to focus on what I’m doing or I wind up doing things in mini pieces from distraction. Part of the reason it’s taking me so long to finish right now
Thank you!
Oh wow! I am so the same way!! Cleaning my house is ridiculous!! I will start in the kitchen and se something that belongs in the dining room, and notice the china hutch needs dusting so get the furniture polish and rag from the hall closet and start dusting, and run across something that should be in the bathroom so go to put it away and think, oh I should put toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet! And by the time 3 hours have gone by the dishwasher is standing open in the kitchen, furniture polish on the secretary, watering can for plants is on dining room table, vacuum in the hallway, laundry basket at top of stairs with dirty laundry, toilet still not scrubbed and I’m exhausted!
Today, though, I am having my husband bring our clothes basket downstairs, and I am starting this week’s laundry. (Within reason due to my wrist… It’s a bit mad at me still, but better with the ointment they want me to put on it for the next week to week and a half)
I think I have a good plan, but I also know there will be side quests while cleaning