This is my entry to the spell swap meet
I came up with this spell not only to ease a dying pet, but to assist the owner as well. As a dear friend is currently dying. I found something I liked but it didn’t feel right as I started to copy it down and the words just came as I did so and this was the result.
- Lavender oil
- Cedar and white sage
- your pet if it is safe to do so or their favorite belonging
- PInk, Green, White, Brown candles Tealights or chimes will work the best here.
- Soil from their favorite place to play or sand.
- Bell.
- scribe
- Lavender berries
Cast your circle and center meditate on your life with your pet and the joys they brought to your life and you to theirs.
In a large bowel fill with soil or sand, cleanse with smoke from white sage.
Scribe your pet’s name in the white candle and anoint it with oil as you think about your pet and the love you have for them Place aside the toy (safely)
Place the toy in the center of the bowl, or place the bowl near your pet.
Scribe what you love most about your pet in the pink candle and anoint with oil place in the northwest point of the bowel.
Scribe in the green candle the place they loved to play the most. Use blue if they liked water more. Place in the south point of the bowel.
Anoint and place the Brown candle in the eastern point of the bowl.
Place lavender berries at the base of each candle.
Light each candle while thinking again of your pet and the love they brought to your life and you to theirs. Think not of their pain, suffering, damage, think only good thoughts.
Upon the brow of your pet rub into their head 3 drops of lavender oil.
Light the cedar and allow its energies to fill your space and fill you and your pet’s heart.
Speak these words as you chime the bell lightly as to not startle your pet.
Here is love for you, my gentle friend
With gratitude for time together
Herewith love, Know no pain, no fear, as the Divine Mother wraps you in her loving arms,
Only joyful sunny weather, green pastures ahead ease of passing at the end
I hope you run and jump and play Into the Summerlands friends waiting to play
Under the watchful eye of the Divine Mother as you run free
We will meet again sometime, someday play, laze and love
You are forever safe in the Devine Mothers hands
With peace to you and quiet ease
Go with the Divine Mothers grace
Our Love is forever yours and will not cease
As my heart will keep your place forevermore
Meditate as you watch the candles as you touch your pet if you can or focus on their toy till they burn out if you can. As the candles burn allow your grief to burn with the flame.
Once they are done you can close the circle.
Chime the bell facing E, N, W, S each time ringing the bell three times,
Speak these words just before you close your circle
Gatekeepers of the East of water, North of earth, West of Air, South of Fire.
I call upon you to ask you to assist the Divine mother as she carries this soul to the Summerlands.
Lend her your strength as they cross the vail.
Close your circle as you would.