🌟 Spell to Meet Someone in Your Dreams

Meet Someone in Dream

Meet Someone in Your Dreams

A Dream Magick Spell

This spell uses dream magick to invite a person to meet you while you are asleep. It can be a person who is living or passed on, a deity, an animal, or even a fictional character—any named entity can be invited.

Cast this spell right before you go to bed. It is especially potent during a New Moon.

Note: If you are currently struggling to dream or to remember your dreams, you may want to consider trying some of these dreaming tips before casting the dream meeting spell. After going through the effort to cast the spell, you’ll want to remember your meeting when you wake up!

Please make sure you are logged into your Spells8 Account to be able to view all of these resources!

You will need:

~ White paper
~ White envelope
~ Black ink
~ A purple or white candle
~ A picture of the person

Spell Instructions:

  1. Cleanse the paper, envelope, picture, and ink to remove any outside energies before beginning the ritual. Smoke, sound, or other cleansing methods can be used.

  2. Using your black ink, write the person’s name on the paper. Write: “I wish to see you in my dreams tonight. Please come visit me.”

  3. Sign the paper with your name.

  4. Place your letter and the person’s picture into the envelope. Seal it with purple (or white) candle wax.

  5. As soon as the wax has dried, place the letter beneath your pillow. Go to sleep knowing that your invitation has been sent.

This spell first appeared in the Spells8 Email Newsletter- you can check out previous issues and, if you haven’t already, sign up for the free newsletter to get magickal goodies like this delivered right to your inbox! :envelope_with_arrow:

More Dream Magick :milky_way:

Looking for related spellwork? Here are some additional dream spells and other resources you might explore.

Dreamy Bath Ritual for Calm Sleep

Dream Message Spell: Get Answers While Asleep

Dream Vision Sachet

Do you like dream magick? What dream or sleep spells have you done?

Feel free to share your spell experiences, advice, and wisdom with fellow coven members in the comments below.

Blessed Be! :sparkles:


I love this, will give it a try at the weekend when I don’t have to get up early next day :laughing:


Bookmarked thankyou


thank you so much gonna give this a try and journal everything and hope it comes true.


Thank you! Going to give this one a try!


@tracyS Makes sense! More to time to sleep = more time for dreaming (and dream magick)! :grin: :+1:

@Satans_Helper My pleasure! :heart:

@sara6 You’re welcome! And journalling right after you wake up is a great idea. Sometimes we only pick up or realize things when we look back on it later, so writing them down and keeping records is smart! :grinning:

@Mystique You’re welcome - happy dreaming! :sparkles: