Hello @hira!
First of all, sorry to hear about the sleepless nights-I had a terrible bout of insomnia last year and I know it is rough
Before we jump into magickal reasons, it’s always good to check and make sure that spellwork was definitely involved before moving forward, as mundane and magickal issues can require different answers/approaches. Is there anything else going on in your life at this moment that could potentially cause a lack of sleep? If so, it is worth addressing
Additionally, a few nights back we had a Full Moon- while many feel extra energy during this time, it can lead to full moon exhaustion in others. For both types of witches, the full moon can lead to restless or sleepless nights
In terms of just purely spellwork, you might have regular old spell burn-out, which is something that can happen to anyone when they use more energy in spellwork than they have available. There’s a great guide (with some tips on what to do!) here: Feeling Tired After Spellwork? Here’s Why and How to Help!
@Mistress_Of_Herbs kindly shared an Insomnia Tea Recipe that might help, and I personally have had great success with Sleep Pouches. Lavender is my personal favorite sleep aid- you can tuck some under your pillow or spray the oil on your bedsheets and chamomile tea before bed can help too- it’s a great way to ease into sleep
I hope you’re able to work out whatever is happening and that you can find ways to help yourself sleep easy again soon! Good luck and blessed be, Hira