Spells/tools for moving?

Congrats on the move, @chaitea43! :raised_hands: :house:

Amethyst, Amaris, and Mary have already offered some great advice for you. The House Blessing Prayer shared is a really lovely one! :blush:

In addition to what’s already been suggested, you could also place crystals around the new home (bringing balance and harmony to the new space):

Where to Place Crystals Around the Home

If it’s something you are interested in, you may invite a diety or spirit of the hearth and home to move into the space with you.

Gods & Goddesses of the Home: Protective Spirits of the Hearth

And at any stage in the moving process, you could do a home blessing ritual. Here is a pretty one:

Home Blessing Oil Spell

Wishing you and your fiance all the best with the move, @chaitea43! Good luck and congrats on the new apartment! :heart: