Spells8 44th Book Club šŸ“š Readers' Reviews!

Feel free to share your finished thoughts and reviews from your book last session (January 2025) here. For the current book club post, please visit the new session post: Spells8 45th Book Club :books: February 2025!

A warm welcome to all of the Witchy Readers! :open_book:

The latest reading period for Spells8 44th Book Club :open_book: January 2025 has now ended - thank you to everyone who joined in!

Members & Their Books This Reading Period:

  • Shadow Work for Hot Messes by Mandi Em - @MeganB
  • Norse Witch by Connla Freyjason - @tracyS
  • Imbolc by Mari Silva - @Amethyst
  • Italian Folk Magic by Mary-Grace Fahrun @Jewitch
  • Embracing My Shawdow, an inner child healing workbook and Integrating my shadow: A Shadow Work, Prompt Companion Journal By Author Unknown - @Jeannie1
  • High Magick by Damien Echols - @Wysteria_Norn
  • Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine - @dan3

Even if you are not listed above but you read a book during this reading period/ you decided to read a different book than listed- you are very welcome to share and discuss here too!

Time to share your thoughts with your coven! :star_struck:

This discussion post will serve as a place to share your thoughts and opinions on the book you chose.

  • :heart_eyes: If you loved your book and think everyone should read it- awesome! Talk about your favorite points or something you learned.
  • :woman_shrugging: If you didnā€™t connect with the book- consider explaining why it wasnā€™t for you.
  • :angry: Absolutely hated your book of choice? Warn others to stay away!

This is a great place to share your love for books and find recommendations for new books to read :+1:


Your book review can be as simple or elaborate as youā€™d like :writing_hand:

If youā€™re not sure what to talk about, here is a suggested format you can use. Feel free to write as little or as much as youā€™d like!

Book Title and Author:

Status? : Finished / Still Reading

My overall rating of the book : ???/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?:

My personal thoughts/opinions:

An interesting quote from the book: " "

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes / No

Remember that your review is uniquely yours- this is a chance to let your opinions and voice be heard :raised_hands:

Please keep in mind that others may have opinions that differ from yours- when responding to the thoughts of others please always show respect! Remember that 100 people will read 1 book and have 100 different experiences. Thatā€™s what makes sharing interesting :heart:

What if I didnā€™t finish my book / joined late? :raised_hand:

No worries!

You are welcome to share your thoughts about the part you have read so far. If you joined the session late and have just started, feel free to talk about your expectations for your book. You can continue reading it into the next reading period.

And whether you read a book or not - you are very welcome to jump in and discuss what others share about their books! :handshake:


Deadlines and Dates :spiral_calendar:

You have all of February to share your thoughts and discuss (until the next Readersā€™ Review Post appears in the forum!)

Deadline for Reviews for this Session: Friday, February 28th

While you have plenty of time for reviews, know that the next reading period has already begun:

ā†’ Spells8 45th Book Club :books: February 2025!

Picture from Canva

It can be hard to find the time and motivation to read on your own- hopefully book club helped provide a bit of motivation and that it led to some wonderful new knowledge and discoveries in your Craft :books:

I hope you enjoyed your books this session, and that youā€™ve got another fun one in line to read this coming month.

Happy reading and blessed be! :sparkles:

:books: :heart: :infinite_roots:


A book review of Sigil Witchery, by Laura Tempest Zakroff, Kindle edition.

ā€˜Sigil Witcheryā€™ is a well written, referenced, and sometimes witty treatise on sigils that explains their history, how to draw them, what to do with them, and comments about it all. Zakroff is a talented artist and disciplined writer. Many of her drawings in the book are extraordinary and well worth studyingā€¦ and perhaps framing for yourself. Her Instagram pictures portray what some would view as a ā€˜witchy lookā€™ and also someone who would be wonderful to know. Her background supports what she writes very well. Her bibliography, drawings and suggested books are probably worth the price by themselves.

I think the book was more of a history and maybe a bit less on how to use sigils. It goes into drawings of cave men, ancient civilizations, and current sigil evolution. There is also a section on art and art supplies. That is not to say it leaves application out but there is a heavy dose of background which may be slightly off-putting to new readers who are just trying to figure out how to use them.

I like her pithy humor and comments on traditional thoughts about witchery. There are a few areas that are contradictory to ā€˜commonā€™ belief. For instance, She doesnā€™t embrace the idea of burning sigils but thinks, with exceptions, they are easily learned and used as part of both the conscious and unconscious mind.

The humor helps keep the reading interesting and a few chuckles are always welcome. Here is an example that cracked me up:

On painting sigils on everyday objects:

** I suppose you could even paint sigils on your underwear if that inspires you. (Perhaps a handy location for a fertility sigil, if thatā€™s your goal? Use caution.)**

Overall I give the book an 8 out of 10 with a bump up for the writing and history and a detraction for a slight lack of detailed application. I would buy it again.

A note about the reviewer (me). Iā€™m new to Wiccan and all that implies. I am interested in meditation and anything that will help me with it. Recently Iā€™ve been exploring Chaos magick/magic/belief systems.


Book title and author: Italian Folk Magic by Mary-Grace Fahrun

Status: Finished

My overall rating of the book: 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice? Iā€™m still trying to expose myself to as many different viewpoints as I can. In addition, according to 23&Me, I have some Italian in me, and one of my cousins was born in Italy while my uncle who was in the Navy was stationed there, so I figured Iā€™d read at least one book on Italian witchcraft.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Even though Iā€™m not Catholic and wasnā€™t raised Catholic or in an Italian-American family culture, the information in this book resonated with me a lot more than I expected it to. My guess is that the reason for this was that there was such an emphasis on food and the kitchen; anything and everything relating to food is one of my biggest passions in life. The workings discussed are also very simple and down-to-earth like my practices. They donā€™t require any exotic tools or ingredients ā€“ everything is based on things that just about everyone has in their home or kitchen, or can relatively easily acquire or make.

This book was an absolute pleasure to read! I felt like I was sitting at a table across from the author while she was casually telling me about her traditions. Iā€™m a slow reader, but this was a fast read for me because it was so enjoyable to read. I bought the Kindle version, but I wouldnā€™t hesitate to purchase the print version as well ā€“ one of the ways I know that I enjoyed the book.

One of the things that I liked most about this book is that it was very clear that the author was simply presenting information as she learned and practices it; she was very clear about ā€œthis is how I do it, but you should do what works for you, and I wonā€™t judge you.ā€ That is to say, it doesnā€™t come across as preachy at all. The information and workings could all be easily adapted to work for pretty much any practitioner.

An interesting quote from the book: I couldnā€™t pick one, so I picked three that I feel sum up the book pretty well.

ā€œMy hope is you then take these components, do your own research, and craft a tapestry of practice that is uniquely you.ā€

ā€œThe Italian witchcraft I will be presenting is not a religion. It is a practice anyone can incorporate into their spirituality regardless of religious belief.ā€

ā€œThe contents of this book are recorded oral history. Its purpose is to document this oral history and provide a road map for all spiritual seekers and lovers of tradition. May it guide you in reconnecting with your roots, and assist you in forging a tradition and legacy of your own.ā€

All-in-all, would I recommend this book?: Yes!


I am rededicating my spiritual journey and I hope this year to actually achieve doing a spell a day! I have a my magikal tools and honestly I like going back and reading some things I thought I understood but didnā€™t really understand the concept of having direct contact with nature. I can appreciate how 366 days are there for me to help me harmonize the Witch life as it relates to our own lives and experiences. In the book, he talks about how there are layers of social, emotional, and psychological conditioning. He says it frees the mind, the heart, and spirit. I can sure use some spiritual power!


Hereā€™s a review for a book I read last month :heart:


Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine

This is a feeler to find out if others would like to start a discussion about ā€˜Condensed Chaosā€™ by Phil Hine. I am just beginning it (maybe 1/3 through) but there are so many ideas that discussing them might help a lot. @MeganB suggested I post something here to see if there was interest. I could easily start over if any who are thinking about it want to gofurit (several hundred on GoodReads want to read it).

It is available as Kindle, Audible and as a PDF download at archive.org (Google ā€˜Condensed Chaos PDFā€™ and select one of the first several links that come up

A portion of a review on 'Spiralnature.comā€™ says: Hine covers many of the possible hazards of magickal practice, detailing what to look out for and what to avoid, adequately preparing the would-be practitioner as much as possible, or at the very least, letting hir know what might be expected, and how to recognize signs of idiocy. Sensibly, he does this before getting into discussion of techniques, and even advises taking breaks as needed.

Iā€™ve gone through his early advice and agree with the review. One of my favorite quotes is:

When there is an idealized future we are working towards, it will remain forever just out of reach. The great work of magic is collapsing the future into the immediate present. The magician sees reality and lives in the now, and knows that the future is the manifestation of his will.

Anybody interested?

The first two chapters are an introduction and background. Iā€™ll start by summarizing some of what I think is important. Feel free to add to or challenge. My input will be brief - The first two chapters cover 38 pages and there is MUCH more there.


He offers the core principles of Chaos. Iā€™ve abbreviated them below but if you watched any of the introductory videos, they will be familiar. The text in parens is my summary:

Avoid dogmatism - (being right is not absolute, no one has a lock on truth)

Personal experience is paramount -( donā€™t take my word for it, check it out)

Technical excellence - ( rigorous self assessment )

Deconditioning - (step away from popular ideas of self, society and world. discard ego fictions)

Diverse approaches. (Use systems that work for you. use eclectic approach)

Gnosis - (enter altered states of belief at will)

He also emphasizes that humor is important and comes up with interesting quips.

One experience he relates, which is humorous and maybe frightening, is waking up with a heavy shadow on his chest and, after calming himself, he manifested a Pentacle and mentally shoved it into the shadow which then dispersed. He comes up with these things frequently and I have to read them with a grain of salt. Iā€™m holding onto core principle 2 and withholding belief until I get through the rest of the book.


Spells8 44th Book Club January 2025

Book title and author: High Magick by Damien Echols

Status: Finished. I also recommend getting the audiobook for the rituals and meditations.

My overall rating of the book: 12/10 Yep, really! A 12

How does this book relate to my magickal practice? I began incorporating Ceremonial Magick into my Hoodoo/Chaote practice over a year ago. The meditations, such as the LBRP and Middle PIllar, that Echols performs is, for me only, Next Level. For example, Echolsā€™ version of the LBRP incorporates Metatron overhead and Sandalphon under the practitionerā€™s feet. He says that he added that to more completely encapsulate himself with the protective force field. A touch someone who felt threatened from all sides would think off.

Echols describes EFT and Neurolinguistic Programming techniques in his way by saying that the deepest subconscious (right side of the brain) doesnā€™t analyze words as it does images (pg 24-26). So instead of thinking , ā€œI canā€™tā€¦whatever it isā€, turn it around and think ā€œIf I practice/tryā€¦I canā€ and imagining a mental image of your succeeding in that endeavor and doing this little trick for every negative thought for a week at first, then increasing. He then goes on to teach and explain 5 basic mediation practices.

Not only does this last little trick help with reversing negative intrusive thoughts but it also helps one focus on oneā€™s true intention (Very important in rituals, meditations, etc) and increase the possibility of manifesting oneā€™s true need/wish more accurately.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Itā€™s one thing to read books on magick from highly regarded and accomplished authors its another thing to read one from someone who used the magick he learned to survive death row and subsequent be release from jail.

Damien Echols history gives his book that haunting quality afforded only to autobiographies of those who have suffered atrocities and injustices PLUS a verified authenticity found in few other sources. Even the infamous Aleister Crowley, prolific author that he was, had few true events that can be ascribed to magick.

Echols is living proof that it can work.

An interesting quote from the book: Many, many, many.

ā€œMagick isnā€™t about blindly adhering to a belief or system" (pg. 45). Echols is a firm believer in learning the basics but then modifying and performing your practice according to your unique energy system.

ā€œYou are God, albeit the tiniest of pieces. But even the smallest piece of God contains every part of the whole, just as an acorn entails everything it means to be a treeā€ (pg. 88). Very spiritual and life affirming.

Would I recommend this book?: Unconditionally to everyone regardless of their level of experience or type of magick they practice.

One caveat however, Echols works with angels. So for those NOT wanting to incorporate angels into their practice you have two choices: 1) Add another god (like Odin, or Isis) based on the characteristics required or 2) skip the angel in/evoking sections altogether. Either way the book is still an amazing source of information.

Thank you :kissing_heart: :woman_mage:


Iā€™m late! Sorry, I finished reading but couldnā€™t remember to do the review. That says something, I think.

Book Title and Author: Imbolc by Mari Silva

Status: Finished

My overall rating of the book : 5/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I was hoping to pick up some ideas for new rituals or prayer for Imbolc this year.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This was a good beginner book, but didnā€™t have anything really different or special that stood out to me. Sadly, nothing really did, but it as a good starter book.

An interesting quote from the book: "At Imbolc, we try to focus on spells and rituals that have to do with the main themes of this event. The whole of nature - and the universal energy - goes through the cycle that comes with the seasons. This is why certain spells will naturally be more effective than others if their purpose and intention happen to be in sync with the natural cycle.ā€

Silva, Mari. Imbolc: The Ultimate Guide to Brigid, and Candlemas and How Itā€™s Celebrated in Christianity, Wicca, Druidry, and Celtic paganism (The Wheel of the Year) (p. 99). Kindle Edition.

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes if you are new to celebrating Imbolc. No if youā€™re an old hand at it.


Hello thank you for your book review!I started reading a book on audible about Brighid I thought it would be interesting to tend to the :fire: flame! I have an account with kindle unlimited so I think Iā€™ll check this one your suggesting too since Iā€™ll be able to actually look at the font!
Over a couple years Iā€™ve only finished about
1/4 of the book because I didnā€™t have a lot of the magical items that I needed to gather! Now I am ready for this one through 30 days! Iā€™m told on day three I will need a taper candle and a candle holder day 17 a farmers almanac day 20 a orange taper candle day 22 a orange taper candle and some more resin and dried powered Oris root
Day 27 we would have a green taper candle, 1/4 herbal blend, consisting of dried meadowsweet and powdered oak bark and a compass day 30 would be an indigo taper candle!
I really enjoyed the oak bark it has a woody smell and the
Honestly, I had to get back in to my grind of my practice! Reading this book helps me to remember key points in the spirituality of Wicca, Witchcraft, Power, Ritual, Occult, Pagan, Spell and earth religion.

The Anglo Saxon Root
ā€œ Two Bend or two shapeā€
Talks about Gerald Gardner Who was initiated by Dorothy Clutterbuck and George Pickingill He also made contributions to or from Alleister Crowley Who actually was a part of the Golden Dawn. Witchcraft material, which is known to be the left handed or gypsies, herbal healers, unwed women ā€œ devils mark ā€œburning timesā€ The name of the word ā€œWitchā€ Because of this practitioners has reclaimed the word WITCH :woman_mage:

For Wiccans power has little to do with control over people and things. Power is a natural state of being that comes from uniting with the vast flow of nature and operating from the experience of accord with that flow. I can appreciate that in the beginning I think I was searching for some type of power, but then realize that I need to be in flow with nature and that is gonna give me the peace of mind that I need.
So I got the

Talked about climate control
which I have a really great video
to educate yourself
Climate change
Learning to do things outside helps us to have a human experience in the outdoors for our wellbeing! Learning more about our tress and plants and educating others about the benefits of the land and the importance of being outdoors benefits us as a whole. Studies have shown kids that play outside are less stressed because and there a many factors that would influence us to play outdoors. Learning about oneā€™s state parks and national parks and wildlife to help preserve the environment. My power absolutely with out a doubt is attuning to nature and attuning with herbs :herb: this book :closed_book: helps me to understand how to connect to plants and ritual. I just love I can learn about myself and go inward with the green world. These spells are incredibly helpful and powerful for my journey as a Witch! I still feel like Iā€™m learning every day.


I hope you like it! Itā€™s got some great starter information on Brighid!


Book Title and Author: Shadow Work for Hot Messes by Mandi Em

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: Shadow Work is an integral part of my life as a magical person. Having another book to help guide me through the process is always a good idea!

My personal thoughts/opinions: Overall, I think this is a good book for someone to have on shadow work. The book is broken down into sections which I find very helpful. Section one is about recognizing the shadow. Section two is about understanding your shadow. Section three is about integrating with your shadow. I find breaking it down into sections very helpful for those new to shadow work because. It makes the process easy to understand and sort of drives home the point that shadow work is a process and not something you do once and youā€™re done with it.

There are journal prompts and exercises scattered throughout the book as well as ā€œIntegration Tipsā€ when interesting ideas come up. These prompts and exercises are meant to help the reader get comfortable with their shadow, opening channels for honest communication with oneself.

My one complaint about the book doesnā€™t have anything to do with the material itself. Iā€™m not a huge fan of the authorā€™s writing style, but that doesnā€™t affect the information in the book. She writes very casually, sometimes using cliches to make a point, and doesnā€™t shy away from cussing in her writing. I can only read so many books with the word ā€œf**kā€ scattered throughout that is meant to teach me something. I find it distracting, but others may not.

An interesting quote from the book:

Core wounds can be pervasive in how they are expressed throughout your life. In fact, particular responses to triggers can be widely varied even if multiple people have the same core wound. For instance, one person with a core wound of shame may react with anger when triggered, while another may respond by retreating within themselves.

These wounds can poison what you think of yourself. Typically, these wounds ultimately boil down to one larger wound, which is, ā€œI am not good enough as I am.ā€ Instead, people often carry shadowy ideas of being wretched, villainous creatures, greasy little imposters that can carry a constant feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop before they finally get found out for being just a collection of sh*tty personality traits in a trench coat.

I really like this explanation of core wounds especially as it relates to other people and imposter syndrome. It reminds the reader that while they may have experienced the same thing as someone else, everything that happens to us is subjective and our reactions will likely be very different. I also just really like the way she explained imposter syndrome as waiting for someone to find out weā€™re just a collection of sh*tty personality traits in a trench coat :joy:

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes

As a general note, the publisher sent this book to me for free to review. I do plan on doing a longer review on my website.


Iā€™m actually looking to do some light ritual. Does it have any light rituals?


By that do you mean like candle light? Or like, Light Light? Because Iā€™m one of the people who donā€™t get the whole black magic/white magic thing. Magic is magic. Just wondering. Sorry itā€™s taken me so long to get back to you, I was sick and then itā€™s taken me a bit to catch up on things.