📖 Spells8 Book Club XXXV (Jan 19 - Feb 16)

I’ve got this one, too :clap: I haven’t read it yet, but it’s on my TBR list for sure!


Imbolc Llewellyn sabbath essentials Carl F. neil @celineelise


You and your book have been added to the list! I hope you enjoy Imbolc Essentials, @celineelise - happy reading! :candle: :open_book: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@BlueAngelite This book has been on my wishlist for a while. I’m interested to read your review!

I’m deciding which book to read. I started Pagan Portals Brigid it’s a short book. I have a stack of new books to read too, so I’d better decide soon! :laughing::blush:


I know you got some good ones! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Always fun to have choices, wishing you all the best with Pagan Portals Brigid and any other books you choose to read- enjoy, Sivonnah! :heart: :open_book:


17 posts were merged into an existing topic: :memo: Spells8 Book Club XXXV - Readers’ Reviews!

Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: The current reading period will conclude in one week from today (on Friday, February 16) :grey_exclamation:

A Reader’s Review post will appear in the forums at that time for everyone to share their thoughts and hear all about what your fellow coven members have been reading.

I hope everyone is enjoying their reading so far! I’m looking forward to hearing about your books :open_book: :sparkles:

Happy reading and blessed be! :books:


I am slowly making progress on my book - better slow than never, I suppose! My TBR list is growing huge though and I need to catch up :rofl:


I got distracted :rofl:, so what’s new. But I think I’ll finish this one.


@MeganB Any progress is still progress- good for you! :heart: You’re certainly doing better than me haha. I haven’t managed to pick up a book and get through a worthy chunk of it for months now, I miss reading! :face_holding_back_tears: :books:

For the time begin, I’m reading vicariously through all of you and your interesting books :laughing: :+1:

@tracyS I feel that! :handshake: :laughing: Hang in there, Tracy- you’ve got this! Cheering for you! :partying_face: :open_book:


the mind opens all doors to the reasonings and dictates of the soul…
from the book
Basic principles of practical Magic
I bought it today and have read almost half of it
it shows that Buddhism and Magic are not opposites but also what are the basic steps for someone to properly start Magic
excellent! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pentagram: :pentagram:


How old is this book? I might go look for the physical copy at this old bookstore I know


@john1 It’s pretty new. It came out last year, I believe.


This book looks rad. Is this a Tibetan Buddhism book? I find that Tibetan Buddhism is the one that is the most mystical and magical.


@BryWisteria I have to remember to do my review for bookclub by tomorrow, right?

I started reading the tarot book you recommended. The title is escaping me. What I’ve read so far is much different than others I’ve read. It goes beyond the meanings of just the cards!


I’m not Bry but I can answer your question :sweat_smile: You can review the book at any time! Once this reading session ends, it will go into a post-reading review session before the next session starts.


Ok thanks! I should be able to do it. I just don’t have the book in front of me!


I’m sure you’ll do just fine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: there’s no rush!


@Sivonnah Megan to the rescue! :grin: She’s absolutely right- the book club session closes today and a reader’s review discussion will open up, but there’s no rush at all! The RR will be open for the next few weeks (until the next one arrives). Plenty of time to gather thoughts and share about the book! I hope you enjoyed it :open_book: :blush:


Today marks the end of this reading period!

A discussion will soon open up in the forum for everyone to share their thoughts and swap book reviews :open_book:

Please keep an eye on the forums for the soon-to-appear post! :eyes:

:exclamation: The few wonderful reviews already posted here have since been re-homed in the Readers’ Reviews post to make them easier to find!

magic books
Gif from Tenor

Didn’t finish your book or just got started ? No worries!

Feel free to share your thoughts so far and chime in on the reviews that your fellow coven members have shared. You may find a recommendation for a new book! :open_book:

After a one-week review period, the next reading session will begin: Next Friday, February 23rd . Feel free to continue reading your current book into the next session or start a brand new book at that time!

Happy reading and reviewing! :books::blush: